Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

The bacon came out It was really good and no mess no bother no greasy bacon just great taste and long flat strips. I did line the bottom broiler pan with aluminum foil. I do need a bigger broiler pan because I wanted to do a whole package so I had to do it in 2 batches. Not a problem just takes longer. On my oven I did learn that the second batches cooks must faster than the first... so watch it. I didn't spray the top of the broiler figured the bacon had enough fat in it not to stick. I cleaned the pan while it was hot so it was easy to wash all the brown stuff off. I collected the bacon grease to save for the doggies. lol Susie I am probably the last person who didn't know about this.

Well cool weather and lots of rain causes lots of green weeds to grow, so I have been mowing. Hate to think what we have spent in mowing gas we move about 10 acres or so.. ;(

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I received a GREAT box from Badcat on Friday. Everything will grow here and most were on my "most wanted" list. Since It was sent directly from the grower I will try to "guess" the AUGUST letters......Badcat can probably fill in the blanks.

ThUnbergia "Fairy Moon"
Golden Chalice
Pink RUellia Dwarf
Sedum Chocolate Ball
Golden PoeT's Jasmine

I love them! Here's a pic

Thumbnail by CheerMom

Im Sorry Sue! Badcat was waiting for a click n ship notice to mail your letter! LOL Im sticking it in the mail today.

A- Allamanda
U- sedUm
G- Golden Poets Jasmine
S- Solandra Maxima "golden chalice"
T- Thungergia

Sedum was supposed to be Oreganum, youll have to let me know which youd prefer. They all look good :)

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Great box, Sue! You did good badcat!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I like everything as it is!

Sue G

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM ALL Oh What a great box & Of things off your wish list that is even better Great Job Amanda you all are Doing a Great job playing the game I Hope to get my Game box ready by the end of this week for I Need to wait for the rains My Ground is so so Hard to dig into .
back later jim is here to help me .

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Oh nice plants. They look great and and all on your want list that is perfect.

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

I just got a HUGE box of plants from WWK, I haven't had time to go through it yet, that will be later this evening when I get off work. But it looks awesome! I will be back with pics... I am so excited!!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Mittsy , Thank you , I Rec'd the Pictures & Nice card today But I that the List you had in the box was very nice & Explained very well of the plants so thank you for going the extra yard :) with the pictures you amazed me :))))) TY TY TY .

Getting little rain fall this afternoon , so I'm going to play on the porch with my wood project :) BBL

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Yeah, it made it....

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Coffee Break Just put A ZUCCHINII & CARROT Bar in the oven
for anyone who would like to try it .
for those gardens with xtra zucchinii:) MMMMMMM GOOOOOD with my coffee :)))) Oh I also added CHOCOLATE CHIPS :))))

took about 10-15 min to pre & 20 mins to bake :)

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks DJ, I am going to try that recipe! It looks really good. I might add nuts, too.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

How many choc chips a whole bag or two? lol. Just got the recipe, thanks!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Just added about 1/2 c of CC for that is what I Had If I Had any nuts I Would have added them oh this is bad my friends I Have 3 more zuc's & Lots of carrots , Sure Glad i don't have any Kids to share with :) HEHE
But I'am going to take some to 2 of my Neighbors :) so i promise not to eat these all alone :)

WARNING : DO NOT EAT WHILE HOT:) You cannot Quit :( well off to get their super started BBL

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

mmmmm, yummy. My neighbor just brought me a bag of Zucchs. yesterday.

Ocean Springs, MS

Great box of goodies you got, Cheermom!

need to try bacon in the oven! I have a Pampered Chef bacon stoneware pan, but I hate cleaning it! LOL

We got rain again this afternoon, but the best part was the DOUBLE RAINBOW! It was just a shower, no thunder and lightning, so I sat on the porch- getting wet- and waited for the rainbow! I knew God would send one to me! ♥

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Ok I got all the plants from WWK potted before the rain started again. I am in the process of taking out some shrubs and replacing them with flowers so all the new stuff gets potted til the new bed is ready. Hopefully when it stops raining :) All these things are gonna look great in there.
Forgive me if I don't get all the names 100% (Latin never was my strong suite and I had a bit of trouble reading some of the tags, darn bifocals!) Anyway here we go...
A- Achillea Dark pink
U- Alcea- Unknown color ( could also go under A)
G- Geum- Mrs. Bradshaw, Geranium 'Rozanne', Gypsophilia Repens, Gypsophilia Panniculata
U- 2 Unknown Iris
S- Stachys bizzatium?,Saponaria officianalis, Scabiosa, Scabiosa columbaria blue,Stachys macrantha, Salvia guarantica, Saponaria Ocymoides, Salvia 'Pink Queen'
T- Tricolor Ajuga
And a few bonus plants- Centaurea montana, and Linum
Over 20 wonderful plants altogether! Hope I didn't forget anything.
Thanks bunches, Kathy.

Thumbnail by Nanny23 Thumbnail by Nanny23 Thumbnail by Nanny23
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

#1 Salvia nemerosa, is similar to Salvia g., but the later is taller, 30-36", spring bloom (June), R
#2 Salvia nemerosa Pink, 24", spring to frost if deadheaded, R
#3 Saponaria ocymoides, spring, 4"^ X 12-18">, R
#4 Gypsophila repens, spring, 4-6" ^ X 12-18">, R
#5 Gypsophila paniculata, I included 2, 48"^ X 36-48">, spring- summer. R

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

#1 Geranium Rozanne, 18"^ X 24">, all summer if deadheaded, sterile.
#2 Stachy's byzantina, 12-15" ^ X ----->, R, lavender flowers
#3 Stachy's Macrantha , (purple), 18-24" ^ X 18" >, doesn't reseed, summer
#4 Scabiosa columbaria, purple (blue), 30-36" ^ X 18" >, R, all season if deadheaded, til frost, flower is large, 3" wide
#5 Scabiosa ochroleuca, 24" ^ X 24" >, light pale yellow, small flower, 1", lt spring to frost, R

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Pix #5 above is wrong but here's the correct one, (I hope)
#1 Scabiosa, ochroleuca
#2 Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' (tricolor), creeper, ground cover, spring, purple
#3 Geum chiloense 'Mrs Bradshaw', 2-3' X ------>30", R, summer to frost
#4 Linum perenne, 24" ^ X 12" >, spring, R
#5 Centaurea montana, probably 'Amethyst in Snow', 24" ^ X 24" >, R, more prolithic bloomer than the blue form. ( If not the white form is the blue one, same size-ish), May- frost if deadheaded. This is an indicator plant, if it starts drooping it's letting you know , probably time to water the garden. In late summer I usually cut mine back to within 6" of the ground and let it regrow...fresh foliage looks nice then... If you want more plants take spent flower heads and place on the ground...I always find some babies..

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

#1 is Saponaria ocymoides, the one above is Gypsophila repens pink, the gypso is just a tad lighter in color and smaller flowers
#4 is actuall an ignore, got wrong pix
Pix 5 second grouping is wrong pix, is S. columbaria

This message was edited Aug 11, 2014 9:35 PM

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Wow Great Box Nanny! It will be so much fun next spring and summer to see all our new plants in bloom.

Kathy your gardens must be amazing to see in person. What beautiful pics. I don't know how you keep it weeded. I weeded the west gardens awhile back and now I am trying to get another garden weeded and I looked back and the west gardens need weeded! We are suppose to drop down to the 50's tonight.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Thanks happ. I have to admit these are photos from previous years..... Yes it can look good, but...... this year I haven't kept up with the weeding and have had a lousy year for blooms since we got that snow and hard frost on Mother's Day this year... Most plants were stunted and lost gobs of things.. Darn!! LOL... After we had that snow in mid May, we went into a drought and didn't get rain for weeks... Now we are getting the monsoon season and rain almost every afternoon... Past 2 day it's been hitting the mountains but will be back by Wed... Yeah, I don't have to drag the sprinkler around then.. The weeds in the front bed are OMG!!!!!! I truely need to spend a week just weeding (everyday, all day, wanna help? Lol...) I've been working in the back planting and today weeding so I can plant more (new garden area just started last fall but most plants went in this spring...).... Pix 3 is a new patch of Monarda (raspberry colored, and I just love it), but so does my little friend, a hummer has been keeping me company as I get closer to this group of plants. Dive bombing me to let me know it's HIS/HER's... For the past 2 days it's been trying to chase me off and also another hummer... I will be working right next to the plants tomorrow...should be fun...will take my phone with me and try to get some pix if I can... truely entertaining...

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Wow you have had a year for weather...I thought ours has been bad.
That Monarda is beautiful!

I lucked out last year my nephew and g-nephew for my Christmas present came and worked in my garden for 2 full days! Things really got weeded. Course I may have lost a few plants by them not realizing what they were

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Wow Kathy! Thanks for the awesome pictures and descriptions. Such great info! If mine end up looking half as good as your pics, my garden is going to be gorgeous next year! :) Here is the really awesome thing about this box, most everything you sent was something I didn't already have or replacement for some things I had lost over the years. Thanks Again!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM GREAT Box Nancy you are going to have some great gardens you stick with us don't ya think ?? :))))
Busy day today so may not get back in here till later this eve pending how my day goes,
Nice pics Kathy

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Yes, that's for sure! DJ I still have 14 or so acres that don't have gardens yet, so I am sticking around. lol Although at the rate I am going it won't be long before the place is more garden than grass!

This message was edited Aug 12, 2014 10:27 PM

Ocean Springs, MS

Lovely pics, Kathy! I'd love to come browse in your garden! :)

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Lol, only if your going to pull weeds.. Only joking. I've been offered help before but not sure I want anyone out there that doesn't know how to or what to pull, which plants are weeds or seedling babies...... Happ., you're braver than I am for allowing someone else to assist. I just cringe when I see people step on I do try to be extra careful when I go into someone elses, IF I go into someone elses....

My front garden is such a mess this year, deadheading and weeding are in desperate need but want to get things established in the backyard this year..(like get them in before November!!!!!). Has been a cool and wet summer so far (at least since mid July), Monsoon rains in the afternoon and cool, today will be our first 90 in more than 3 or 4 far as I'm concerned it could go the whole season with out any 90's. One thing about our afternoon rains, it clouds up early making it more pleasurable to being out there all day, rain for a bit then clouds clear by evening..Ahhhh. love the clouds!

Nanny one of my tricks is to work a bit of peat moss in each planting hole, they just thrive in the stuff..... Am on my 7th or 8th bale for the summer so far..(but then again I am potting up my seedlings from winter and new trade items, or things bought in small pots to grow on a bit... Then when I go to plant I just have to dig a hole and plop them in and water.... And just to let you know, earlier in the season I dug many things or divided so I could use them for trades, and I still have plenty that will need a new garden home..(suprise lily? lol.). Or for anyone else who might be interested in doing some extra trading..... Later all, Kathy

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Missouri has 2 perfect days a year and today was one of It was amazing and I got so much done.I got things planted, weeded, edged, and mowed! Tomorrow is suppose to be equally beautiful, starting out in the 50' Hope I can still move in the morning..rofl. Shouldnt my body get use to this sooner or later.

Ocean Springs, MS

Glad for you, Joyce! You needed that!

My boxes, yes, I had to use 2 mailing tubes, will be shipping 2 day priority tomorrow. My buddy should find the note in Box 2 taped to one of the plants!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

evening all not going to stay just wanted to peek in & See how your all getting along sounds like ya all been working like beavers :)))

my eyes are so watery tonight & Tired I will be back in the morning more rested . GN all

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

I got my box from Ahoogstra, yeah!!! I will be potting them up as soon as I'm off here and then get some pix. Thankyou!!!!!

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Here are my goodies. Thank you soo much Ahoostra. Love all my goodies. How did you know I was thinking about getting another A. Coronation Gold (yarrow). Currently I have Parker's Gold and want to compare the 2 plants. (ie is one taller tan the other, same size flower, Do they both increase at the same time....etc) So thank you!!

Achillea filipendula 'Cooronation Gold'
Achillea millefolium 'Wonderful Wampee'
Veronica umbrosa 'Georgian Blue'
Solidago 'Baby Gold', dwf goldenrod
(unexpexted) False Strawberry' "Lipstick", is this hardy??
Sedum 'Dazzleberry'
Iris siberica 'Strawberry Fair'
Lilium tigrinum ( just curious what color are they??) That way when I put them in the new area I'm working on, I can group them with the same color...(think I have a couple of pots of the orange and bought 2 pink a month ago... Just love Tiger Lilies, and how they increase faster than all the other types. Years ago I had white, pink, red, yellow and 2 different oranges... (then I moved, darn!! ) Wish they were fragrant (tiger lilies that is), maybe one day they will try interbreeding them like they've been doing with the orientals, asiatic and trumpets! lol...

Now I have to go look up a few and see what they look like, height, etc. Is the Wonderful Wampee a reseeder? Just so I know where to put it in the border...(most of the millifoliums I have don't, but just increase in width (stolons). Again...Thank you soooo much!! Kathy

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Ocean Springs, MS

Lots of plants, Kathy! I'm sure they will soon be growing and blooming in your beautiful garden!


Great Box!! :)

Im going to do a little enabling lol. My favorite DL place is having a sale now until 9/12/2014. And since next month is Daylilies I figured Id share :) She sends blooming size plants and she's great to deal with. So just throwing it out there in case anyone is looking for any ;) I love to go visit her gardens during bloom season, they are quite a sight when your driving up :D

Cutlerville, MI

Hi WWKathy! Yes the False Strawberry's are hardy The Tiger Lily's are orange:)
They should all do really well for you...they just need to be babied because we have been SOOOO dry.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Wow Kathy that is a great box, but you are happy. Already tagged and potted..what a good Mommy... ;)

Ocean Springs, MS

Yes, Badcat, you are enabling! I have no daylilies to swap at this time. And yes, I will be visiting her website! :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Here is another site & again very very large DL's usually 3-4 fns for $9.00 up Plus he sends Bouse's/gift plants
GN all Be back for coffee

duh forgot to give the link some of you know this Place >

This message was edited Aug 15, 2014 8:31 PM

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