Atlantic Beach, VA

Soooo excited. I have a box to prepare. :)

Livingston, TX(Zone 8b)

Sounds like fun..but I'm not even back home yet. And still have Julys to get out so I should pass on this one:(
But will be watching it.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

thats ok joke u take your time i forget where you had to go or do but you just take care & be carefull on your travels .

Cutlerville, MI

Back from vacation...and I got my name!!!! I AM SOOOOOOOO excited:) Thank you Suzie Q!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Evening all I just got home from Playing Bingo at the Freeport home coming & then my friend & I took along way back to her house to a country side 3-4 block sale :) Got some really good buys cannot say for they are going to be made up into prizes for a couple of you :)))) anyway I'm tired out & need to get my feet up for awhile you all have a great weekend.


Ordered My partners goodies today, Ill be keeping an eye out for when they ship so I can send a Note when they get on their way. :). 6/7 were on her want list, cant wait till she gets them :D the 7th will just be a surprise!


LOL cant count, 5/6 and the 6th will be a surprise ;)

Ocean Springs, MS

Uh Oh! I have more than 6 to go in my box. Sorry, I couldn't help myself! LOL
Waiting on one thing to arrive in the mail, then my box will fly!

Atlantic Beach, VA

Prepping mine..going out later this week. VERY trade partner will be getting an overstuffed box. :)

Cutlerville, MI

I am STUFFING my box for my partner too! I did more:) I will be shipping out tues!
Can't wait...lololol

Cutlerville, MI

Good Morning! I can't find the addresses anymore...HELP:)

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Guides & Information Tab then click on Extras, That will take you to the page where the address exchange is listed

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

SOME ADDRESSES ARE NOT IN THERE SO JUST ASK & you shall receive :) oh i hear thunder sure hope it is for reall I Need rain so i can dig my partners plants can not dig till i get rain so sorry partner :(

some one do a rain dance for me please :)

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I am dancing in the garden with the ducks for you deejay. We have had 2 evenings of rain and much needed. Hope you get some.

gathering plants!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

yes it worked for about 15 mins of rain earlier today there is more rain all north of us . hope we can get a little more yet tonight .
ty for the rain dance :))))

Ocean Springs, MS

Will be stuffing my box tomorrow and mailing Wednesday!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Deejay if I had known earlier I would of done the Chicken dance with the chickens...LOL

Cutlerville, MI

I'm so jealous Deejay! We didn't get ANY rain...and it is SOOOOO dry here:( Send some our way PLEASE!!!!!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

grass is wet not sure if we are going to get any today or not , alicia news showed rain up your way I thought early this morning .
chat soon

Ocean Springs, MS

OK, having to regroup here. Plants won't fit into a medium or large flat rate box, so I will have to ship in priority tubes. Might be a few days before I ship.

Cutlerville, MI

Yes! We got rain this am about 10ish! Yippy! Yahoo! Thanks Suzie Q!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

we r getting a great down pour this eve sounds so nice :) went to the dr's today to find out what was going on as to why I feel as i was on a ship , its not verigo, My inner ear is protruded she said do to not being able to drain so she put me on antivert & A Nasal spray to help open up my drainage :)
I hope this dose the trick :) well off to enjoy my CHIEF Salad you all have a great evening .

Ocean Springs, MS

Had to order the mailing tubes and it will be 7-10 days before they arrive! But my buddy, you will be very excited when you receive!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

julie you are the tease aren't you ???

Ocean Springs, MS

Yes, I am! Can't help it! Badcat has such an influence on me! LOL


Lol Oh dear.. Id be happy with a tube!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Well typical of me when it comes to mailing...rofl. Get everything stuffed in the box and then look and I had forgotten something, so I have to break into the box....really when am I going to

Get to the post office and everyone is so sweet up there, she tells me well you know you could save 4.00? and hands me a different box, so I break into the old box and replace everything in the new box....heck darn save 4.00 on 10 min work you bet cha ;) But it is finally on it's way, should be there Friday.

Stopped by our little junk store and someone had a small desk for 15.00 for sale, I am going to repurpose it for a friend and make a small potting bench for her garage. She doesn't pot a lot and should work for her just fine. Glad I saved the 4.00 cause it only cost me 11.00 ;)


Oh Joyce don't worry bout the that! Iv had to do that before!

Edited to edit incorrect translation due to buttons being the size of a pea

This message was edited Aug 7, 2014 6:48 AM

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Badcat have you been drinking???? lol

Ocean Springs, MS

Yep, auto correct is not a good thing sometimes! I have sent some crazy things without checking the text first! LOL

The plants are too large (tall) and I didn't want to cut them or bend them to ship. The tube will probably be cheaper on postage anyway! Can send a 5 pound tube for $9.00 to my buddy!


No my phone is on strike! But there's an idea !!!

Julie you just wanted to play with tubes! Lol xx ;) Great alternative to rolling pins, shouldve had one for the guy in charge of the sun room.

This message was edited Aug 7, 2014 6:54 AM

Ocean Springs, MS

Badcat, I haven't had a date in 2 years! You are just too mischievous, like some of the fairies I know! LOL
Speaking of sunroom, I have to call them to come re-do the caulking around the eaves and soffits. The caulking dried and left gaps in some places!


What do you want to bet they used indoor caulk =/ Best keep one of those for when they come back

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

It was hard to choose from my selections of "A" plants can you guess which one I'm sending? Could it be a Japanese Water iris? Agoga-Kujyo, or Agrippinella (not my photo) , or Aichi-no-Kagayaki, or maybe Angel Mountain, it could even be a Siberian iris Annick

Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Than again maybe it's Siberian Anniversary or maybe not an iris at all but an astilbe, maybe it's Bridal Veil, Amethyst, Peach Blossom,or a pink one -chinensis ??? Ten possible choices? What's your guess?

Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy
Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Oh my goodnes! Eeeny Meeny Miney Mo. How does one choose???

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Wow mittsy those are amazing!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

oh my your swap buddy is going to be so pleased & so spoild with whatever you choose to share The Lucky little Delvil :))) & I Know Just who she is :))) so any pic's of your U's :))))

Edith Sliger stopped by All fired up & ask how udo you angel you & i replied that Judge roy bean took my Sungold candy ,to the godiva jam I thought that was just way to out raggous wouldn;t you angels you agree with me :) ??? No I'm not drunk just messed up tonight lack of sleep maybe :) GN all


Ummmm Lol hmm well...blame it on autocorrect??? I'm speechless lol

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Wow, mittsy those are gorgeous!!! Lucky duck!!! lol.

Susie..such a card!!! lol.

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