Ash Or Hickory?

East Bridgewater, MA

This is a yard tree in Old Lyme, CT but I'm pretty sure it is wild as there were several of different ages around it. The leaves looked hickory-like on the tree but ash-like when I look at them now.

Thumbnail by neefman Thumbnail by neefman Thumbnail by neefman Thumbnail by neefman
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Probably a hickory; a clear shot of a twig with several leaves would help, to see if they're alternate or opposite.


East Bridgewater, MA

Uh-Oh, if Resin tells me to take more informed shots I am in for it when professor VV shows up... I better brace myself for a snarky scolding

I think this is a Pignut Hickory. The leaves might not be diagnostic but that bark sure looks like a match.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Uda man.

Definitely a Hickory, and I won't dispute the Carya glabra premise.

Shoulda checked its nuts though - they can be diagnostic...

East Bridgewater, MA

Thanks guys!

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