What is the matter with my water lily?

Amsterdam, Netherlands

See the pics. It is a small pond with salamanders and no fish.
In combination with the brownish deformed lily leaves, there were several flower buds that looked normal, but none did flower and most buds went soft and mushy instead.
I would very much appreciate any constructive advice.
Thanks in advance.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

The pics did not upload. Another try.

Thumbnail by Pknyn Thumbnail by Pknyn
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

How much water circulation do you have?
Water lilies are better than most with pretty calm water, in fact they do not like water that is moving too much. Still, some water circulation will help.
Did the brown, mushy leaves get frozen? If this is a tropical it does not take actual freezing weather to chill the leaves.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Thanks for your response, Diana. To my knowledge the lily is not tropical, and it was not frozen. The water is stationary, but we do have weekly rain, and when the weather is warm, the water is replenished (once every 2-3 months). The lily has been in the pond for 7-8 years, and until 2-3 years ago there were no problems.

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Is it in a pot? Has it ever been divided? Is there any chance of contaminated run off?

Amsterdam, Netherlands

It's in a pot and has never been divided. As to contaminated run off: not likely.

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

It may just be over crowded. I divide mine every couple of years, or they quit blooming. I also give them water plant tabs during the growing/ blooming season.

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Is the water deep enough? Fertilized it this year? Plenty of sun?

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

I would divide and repot with some fertilizer tablets. Might be getting late now, though. Do this in the early spring to give the plant the warming spring to grow and the summer to bloom.
Might need to be repotted every 3-4 years, or more often, depending on the variety and the size pot.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

I apologize to you all for getting back so late. I am taking care of my sister in law's dog and staying at her place, so I have been occupied otherwise.
I will try and divide and repot, just to give it another shot.
Thanks for all your advice.
Have a great weekend.

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