Unique Terrarium Help!

Sheffield, United Kingdom

I'm looking to make some mini closed terrariums as a gift and found these on a website. I've been making terrariums up in larger glass cases with potting soil and activated charcoal, but am unsure how these mini designs are made as they don't appear to have this mix? The website says that they are a mixture of live ferns, moses and plants and can last for years if left undisturbed. Can anyone advise how these can survive or identify any of the plants, or suggest any similar plants that I could use? Thank you!

Thumbnail by Terrosie
Bethany, OK

I don't see how any plant could survive being totally enclosed for years without gas exchange being able to take place and some source of nutrients and moisture. I've never seen these completely enclosed terrariums, but I've seen the open globe ones, I have one which I've recently started keeping a succulent in. I use sphagnum moss for the succulent. Mini epiphytes and air plants (Tillandsia) work best in these glass orbs. You can put some soil/potting medium in them, but keep in mind there is no drainage. You don't need any substrate for an air plant, but being mounted on something for the roots to attach to is nice. Here's a photo of my Sempervivum arachnoides in a globe.

Thumbnail by LupineNight

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