Vinyl Plant Labels

Mesilla Park, NM

Cheap, cheap, I made these out of clear vinyl plastic that you use to cover tables cloths, I just cut one inc strips and used the yellow plant marker as my pattern, cut out a hole with scissors and the two V cuts on the sides. They work really well. I don't know how long the marker will last. But I was in a pinch and needed some ASAP for an order I got. Just buy a yard or two. They may have a solid color I don't know.

I just wanted to share with you guys.


Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

They might show up better on this green book.

Thumbnail by Gourd
Pawleys Island, SC

Those are awesome! I need to make some too. Thanks for sharing that idea.

Mesilla Park, NM

Thank you, I always try to recycle stuff, lol and come up with crazy stuff.. These are working for me and if you don't live close to town, these can be great temporary long term if need be.

Pawleys Island, SC

I have an abundance of old used mini-blinds. I have been using those for years. I also paint pebbles at times for more permanent markers. The problem is the mini-blinds fade and sometimes the pebbles sink. LOL

Mountain View, HI

Labels are always an issue especially as the number of pots grow. I'm still using plastic knives with the name typed on paper and clear taped to the knife.

Here's another idea that maybe some have thought of. Once my new greenhouse is operational I'm going to set up a long length of rain gutter along one edge inside, punch some holes and fill it with soil. I can then put my cuttings in like dominoes about 2 inches apart until they root and show growth and then move to pots. That's a lot of cuttings in a 10 ft length. Saves a lot of bench space and will put just one label for each group of the same type.
I could also stack two or three lengths, one above the other with enough clearance for the cuttings and some new growth. Is that crazy, or what.
Plan is to get some of my outgoing expense back in a couple of years at the local farmers market or on the local Craigslist.

Pawleys Island, SC

That is an awesome idea. I have been toying with the idea of cuttings on shelves, but the gutter idea is fabulous. I have a lot of wall space, but not floor or hanging space.
Mine may have to be long planters though. I don't have the benches for gutters.

Mountain View, HI

Planters tend to be more expensive. We don't have construction material recycle yards over here but you may be able to get recycled gutters over there.

Mesilla Park, NM

I saw a gutter planter hung with chains off the rafters, I guess one with light weight medium wouldn't be too heavy, that may work.

I used to use mini blinds too and thought I would never nun out, but one day they were all gone. I couldn't believe it. Lol, I have to find more old blinds.

I used knives too ..we have a lot in common, more than we think.

Pawleys Island, SC

I tried using plastic knives, until my puppies started bringing them to me and begging for treats because they had pulled some foreign invader out of my plants.

The mini blinds are cheap and since I live in a resort area and there are always condo's being re-decorated and such, the thrift stores are usually overflowing with them. I don't pay more than 2 bucks for them, so they are cheap and last a long time.

I root a lot of my epies during the winter months, so it would be awesome to hang one of those from the rafters. The medium would stay light weight because I rarely water the cuttings during those months and then in the spring when they do start putting out growth, I can hang them in the cold frame.

You all are wonderful.. I may need to start a new "Honey do" list.

This message was edited Mar 7, 2015 12:25 AM

Pawleys Island, SC

Blomma, a milk jug would work like a dream. I wonder why I never thought of that. LOL ( maybe because until now, I have always had blinds.) Check your goodwill stores and thrift shops. I usually find a lot in there. I am going to be replacing all of the mini blinds in my house this spring though, so I should have plenty.

BTW which daylily is that in your profile photo? It is a gorgeous pink.

This message was edited Mar 7, 2015 12:26 AM

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