Good Pesticide for Terrariums?

Bethany, OK

One of my terrariums has exploded with teeny tiny bugs. Some are almost flea-sized and yellowish-white, others are pinpoint tiny and white, I wouldn't even know they were bugs if they weren't moving. I've used a pyrethrin and sulfur spray on the plants, to no avail. I did only use a really light spraying of it, as I didn't want to damage any of the delicate plants.
Does anyone know of an effective method to rid myself of these pests? Being an enclosed terrarium, I would think I could place something like a mothball in it and the fumes would work on the bugs without having to soak the plants with a chemical. Any ideas as to what (other than a moth ball) I could use like this?

Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

A bit late, there are several ideas which can be found from here:

Dave's Garden Bug Files is a great resource for identifying pests.

Could what you describe be aphids?

I used to put a "daddy long-legs" into my terrariums when I was a kid. I believe they are one of the beneficial insects listed here:

London, United Kingdom


It would be nice if you give more information about the plants inside the terrarium. Knowing this, will help us determine what exactly the pest might be. If you have succulents, then most definitely, it's mealy bugs you're dealing if not, its either spider mites, gnats or scale.

In case this is the actual pest that's bothering your, you can try any of the organic pest control methods listed here:

In this guide you can find DIY and standard solutions on how to deal with any of the pest species, listed above:

Good luck! Whatever you do, make sure it's safe for your plants, start by identifying the exact pest you're dealing with in order to avoid damaging your plants.

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