Black and Blue is not blooming :(

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I just checked my chart, and it was blooming on 6/12 last year. It is nowhere as tall this year, and there are no signs of buds. It seems healthy enough. I did split some off a side because it seemed it was going to be wider....but it seemed to stop growing a few weeks ago. Is anyone else having the same problem? I miss it and the hummingbirds. :(

Concord, NC

yes, my plant stop growing even though looks big enough to probably flower as well, my pink one not blooming either. it flowered last year. my russian sage plants that usually do poorly are doing ok but none of my agastaches or salvias are . I had a few blooms real early in the year on my blue victoria salvia thats well established and none since. Incredibly hot and dry here near charlotte last two weeks..maybe thats why..mimosa trees looked pale and sickly and pathetic this year here.also i think from the dry heat spells from Late May till now.. grass has browned out the last two weeks and usually doesnt till August, atleast I dont have to mow..yah! I bought that clear electrolyte feed for the hummingbirds this year at Lowes thats supposed to be healthier for them and only one feeder up this year and as usuall they are fighting once again over it, makes no sense to me as their are plenty of daylilies blooming here in the back for them.. which we see them on early in the morning.

Candor, NC

I've noticed over the years that Salvias seem to be subject to delays in response to the seasons, probably from plant hormone inertia, which takes time to overcome. With the long winter, some of my sages tried to bloom during an unusual time of year, like my S. gesneriflora which I got from a friend on St. Johns Island, outside Charleston, SC, where it bloomed all winter.

My initial cuttings of S. oxyphora came from Miami, courtesy of Scott Zona. and they went into strong bloom that summer. Since then, plants acclimated to a full central North Carolina season have been much sparser in bloom.

I also remember seeing a S. madrensis if full bloom in Orange county in mid July. It had been in a shaded (cool?) greenhouse up to a month before setting out, and was only 3 to 4 feet tall in full sun.

Concord, NC

My Blue Victoria Salvias and my Blue Agastaches are Blooming as of two days ago and Look Good. the close up is from last year of the one I recieved at the Greensboro Plant Swap :-)

Thumbnail by themikesmom Thumbnail by themikesmom
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks, all. My oldest one is a bit unhappy. I fed all of them recently. I think I will not get blooms this year, but I will just be happy if they live...then, I can try different things (like more fertilizer....they got lots last year) next year. :)

Concord, NC

All this rain the last 2 days should help them. It has been a life saver for our phlox and perennials that were on the verge of dying. wish the climate here in the piedmont was more like Boone or Asheville, the garden phlox and delphiniums up their get like 4ft plus, mine are lucky just to stay alive each Summer here, they never get any bigger from year to year, every year we lose Laura Phlox to the intense heat, my son has a small purple smoke tree and it never grows aor makes the smoke in the Fall as it hangs on for dear life every Summer as well. I feel sorry for the hummingbirds this year in my area as their are very few people willing to go out and water their flower gardens 3 times a day and so very few flowers in our area this year.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

One or two of mine blooms, yay! The previously-huge one did not bloom and is still way smaller than normal, but it looks MUCH better. It turns out they needed more fertilizer. :)

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

My Black and blue Salvia seems like it's blooming better in sami-shade, I have three of them, this on is the best. I call it my Red White and Blue picture. Etelka

Thumbnail by kiseta

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