fertilzer conversion question

Decatur, GA

Hi all. I am trying to turn dry(granules) MG into liquid MG by adding the dry into the liquid MG container that is now empty. The question is how much of the granulated MG to add the empty 32oz container so I get the same concentration of nutrients.
To keep things simple I add a rounded TBSP to 2 gallons of water. The liquid MG is 4 tsp per 2 gallons.
And the other factor is the % of the nutrients is different between the two products. You can see it on the label/picture. I hope they are clear enough.
I did my best and came out with 21/2 cups of granules to the 32oz container would make the liquid dose 4tsp/2gallons for use. BUT I don't have much confidence I did the math correctly.
I anyone willing to help? Any math whiz' out there?
PS. The granules are so hydrophilic that to keep an open bag on the porch to mix periodically in the watering can is very messy since it gets all wet.

Thumbnail by helenchild Thumbnail by helenchild
Baja California, Mexico(Zone 11)

If I read right, the dry product is 24-8-16 and the wet product is 13-6-8. That means you have to dilute the dry product with an equal volume of water (roughly) to arrive at the same strength as the wet product. (Use the first number, N, for reference.) A little more, probably, you can measure. Or you can fill the container halfway up and then top it off with water.

I would be wary of making the actual conversion as there may be some other difference between the two products which affects solubility. A dry product may not necessarily go into solution at such a high concentration. Of course you can look and see how well it worked and that will help.

Camano Island, WA(Zone 8a)

The other thing to note is that the middle number - phosphorus - when you dilute by half, will be weaker relative to the others. So, if you cut it by half, the you'd have 12 nitrogen (pretty much the same amount as liquid) and 8 potassium (the same amount as the liquid), but only 4 phosphorus. Compared with the target 6, that makes it only 2/3 the relative dose compared to the others. That might matter or it might not.
Of course, I am like Baja and don't know if there is some other solubility issue.

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

I would like to add my voice to those of Baja and mom lady, regarding the solubility question. There almost certainly is an issue between the already liquid product and the solids that will dissolve in water. I would use the solids just as directed on the package rather than try to mix it so that it matches the % nutrients in the liquid MG.
Aside from the % nutrients the actual amount you are told to add to two gallons from each container is very close: 1 1/2 TBS = 4.5 tsp. Given that just about everything else on the package except for the level of nutrients is the same that implies to me that in all likelihood the nutrients in the granules do not all make it into the solution in a chemical form that makes them readily available to the plants for uptake.

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