rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

C'mon, blurt it out , what are you up to?. Me, I am potting up massive Aurelian bulbs, hopefully to make me millions during summer..I delivered a heap of construction steel , in my daily employment today , so now, Im worn out-and having a beer!

Thumbnail by g_whizz
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Today, I purchased a metre of premium potting mix , in a 'Bulka Bag'- on the tray of my Hot Rod... certainly sat the backside down ! also purchased some big pots and granulated slow release fertiliser.. ready for the onslaught of bulb purchases..I have a couple of bulb orders to fill, so have been busy sorting and emptying pots... Very cold here!

Christchurch, New Zealand

hey there Anthony...
I did nothing garden wise - had a nice frost this morning - temperature of -3C...
high was 11C.
Took the weasel for a good run at the dog park & then blobbed on the couch surfing the net for jobs.
I did clean out the pellet fire & put the ash on the garden, around my Pinocchio rose this time.
My lily babies look like they are happy in the big pot on the terrace. Not sure if they might like being under the eaves & kept a bit warmer at night or if being in the shadow of the pineapple sage is protecting them from the chill.
As for very cold - we are going down to -4C tonight.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Back to the Doc for 2nd time in 3 weeks, for this abscess which is crippling me..Dont really need it at this time of year.. hopefully 1 more dose of antigowobblers will diffuse it..Im not a keen one for dining on painkillers either!!!

Christchurch, New Zealand

another frosty start to the day but we had sunshine later - must have been at least 13C & it was warm in the sun :)
Went for a job interview with Wattyl, would be working closer to home & doing interesting things like paint matching & learning how spray guns work...
I like that kind of stuff so am hoping they could see past the 'glamour girl' image I have for my current job.
I made sure to lay it on thick about the dog training & bar work so they got the impression I don't mind getting stuck in & getting my hands dirty.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Anthony, I just posted on the tea room, I thought that you were ok.....
I hope that you get your millions...
Good luck with your job application. Teresa .....
I tidied the garden, which meant gathering up the Brugmansia leaves and putting them in the compost bin....plus bought a new Camellia, " Buttons and Bows" Ray dug a huge hole for it, so it should thrive there...

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

You don't need to know todays details , but I'm booked in for a Stop/Chop/and roll at the Hospital on Tuesday.[day surgery]. ''Lets nail this baby''..

Christchurch, New Zealand

good luck with the day surgery Anthony.
Fingers crossed they fix you up ok.

I had a phone interview today - great timing they called just as I went for afternoon tea.
At the end of the interview I was asked to come in for a proper job interview on Tuesday.

The position is with OfficeMax in their call centre.
Not sure about how much I want this one, they operate 8am - 10pm so late shifts may be part of the deal.

However I am not sure how fussy I can be under the circumstances.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Good luck my dear.. person like you deserves a break.. GO FOR IT!!!.....Lets hope they fix me ,Teresa..,my nerves are 'knife-edge'......Gotta get this lily potting into gear,, . I'm determined to win something this year!

Christchurch, New Zealand

well what a day.
My 9th wedding anniversary - happy
got the news that I am definitely redundant - not happy...

Hubby & I went out, had bubbly & a nice dinner.
Might have a drop of Brown Bros port later.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

MMMM-sounds good .. Dim the lights and crank up the fire..............HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

Clifton Springs, Australia

Good luck with the job interview, Teresa...
Anthony, good luck with your procedure on Tuesday.
What are you concentrating on for the show, any Lilium in particular?

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

I think this year , Trumpets will shine .. All of my Norwegian and American seed Imports are 'New and Ripe'.. My 'Sinfonia' is going to go places if showable.. It is a brilliant lily.. Judith Freemans 'Flugelhorn' trumpets will shine and I think the 'Mabel Violets' will amaze everybody. I've worked for many years to get to this stage and maybe I'll do well!..My trumpet entries this year should exceed 60.. Asiatics 30.. Orientals 20... Orienpets 5-10.. Species 1-2..OA ,1 maybe .. beer tally between now and then '' a lot''..This is one bred into 'Schokolade' with a bit of Orange/Yellow .. very bold and big 'side facing'.. I luckily picked up a Schokolade bulb this year ,,.,... good breeder.. Anthony

This message was edited Jun 8, 2014 4:56 AM

Thumbnail by g_whizz
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Still alive^... Certain area is as tender as a 'Rib Eye fillet' .problem was somewhat worse than doctor predicted , so advised me to take more time off[I hate sitting around]..

Christchurch, New Zealand

glad to hear you are still in the land of the living :)

so your time sitting around could be put to good use plotting your next lily crosses...

Future prize winners have to start somewhere...

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Sitting.... OOOOh!
Did breeding with X-Phi onto a lot of Henryi Var's also Lavender Frost as some in America urged me to!

Thumbnail by g_whizz Thumbnail by g_whizz
Christchurch, New Zealand

nice lilies.
I love the Lavender Frost!
purple is my favourite colour... pretty much any shade from pale mauve to deep gentian.

I gave head office my reply to their offer of part time hours - thanks but no thanks...
I finish up as soon as the pay office gets the paper work sorted.

Now just need to find a new job!

Christchurch, New Zealand

went for a job interview today and then dropped my cv off at a shop that had a notice in the window advertising for staff.
came home feeling like I had at least given it a try & was inspired to tackle flipping the mattress.
hoping that will help with the insomnia & back aches.
really need a new mattress but until I get a job it won't be happening.

Too cold & dreary to garden, I really don't like winter.
I did have moment of madness & ripped out the pineapple sage where I could.
Some I just had to cut back severely as the roots were too strong for me.
the herb garden does look better for it.

moved my lily babies under the eaves so they don't get too much rain.
it was getting very soggy around here & the last thing I want is to have them rot away.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Teresa , 3 years ago, purple was the new red .. Anthony decides - lets import mountains of purple seeds.. This year is 'pay dirt' - purple everything .. Bet people ask me for white?..Chin up girl!

Christchurch, New Zealand

Surely not Anthony - purple should sell like hot cakes!
Well I'd buy purple in preference to white any day.

I had a productive day, decided to mow the lawns as it was quite warm out side.
First I thought I'll prune the roses, the prunings stop the grass sticking to the bottom of the green bin.
While I was pruning I spotted a few weeds, one thing led to another & the bin was 3/4 full of rose off cuts & weeds, and the penstemons & lavender had haircuts as well since I was out there.
Then I sprayed the roses with Conqueror oil & finally mowed the lawns front & back.
Looks much tidier out there & the green bin is full.

Hubby is home sick so I did all the dishes & made us lunch, it started to rain so glad I am finished outside.

Now I have to head over to the Dr to pick up my prescription, wonder if hubby fancies an outing in the car - it takes two buses to get there & for some reason I feel a bit tired.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

My daughter mowed the garden on Monday-Going to put a playhouse there!!????!![braindead] be quiet Anthony!!...Very little rain here and Ive started watering Daffs!.. Massive bulb orders -Im sending lilies back to Sale-Victoria!!

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Newcastle NSW, Australia

Anthony, what glorious colours you have in your lilies, I have never seen such shades. Now I know why people go nuts for them!

I hope to have photos of the new cottage in a while, I have to learn to use the new camera. (I broke the other one, when Trevor was being persnicketty and a pain in the butt!, I won't say how!) we have treated ourselves to some nice furniture, a new, but cheap, stove and threw the not-very-old ceramic-topped job out. What a cow it was! In pristine condition, because no-one could make it work.

Freedom is delivering the (almost) last of the furniture in a week (Ordered on 18th April!) we have been sitting on cane chairs for two months. Cats hate the place, they are so bored, but their glassed and wired-in front verandah and their play tower will be here next week, too. Have to get the Men's Shed to cut a cat door in the wall, between the kitchen and the verandah, for me.( I mean at my request, for the cats!).

Here is Anna Oliver, whom I left behind, I will buy some more roses, I think, probably 4 standards. I have only two gardens in the front of the house on either side of the centred front door. Here is the house as it looked, the verandah will look different after the glass and meshing is finished. I have chucked out a considerable amount of the greenery. All stuff you couldn't discourage with a blow torch, but green, all green! Some nice bulbs, if only I knew what they were! Tons and tons of those ugly daisies (Gazanias!)people think look good going up the centre of the driveway - all OUT!

The soils here are very sandy, I believe that Carnations like sandy soil??? Can anyone recomment suitable perennials?

This message was edited Jul 18, 2014 3:43 AM

This message was edited Jul 18, 2014 9:44 PM

Thumbnail by GabiF Thumbnail by GabiF
Christchurch, New Zealand

first day of my new job.
Packing groceries for 8 hours with a couple of excursions outside in the freezing cold to collect trolleys.
I am shattered!
Have tomorrow off & then back to it, will work Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat.

West of Brisbane, Australia

Dear Teresa, don't be shattered. You're doing an honest job, earning much needed income, and staying physically active. It doesn't have to be forever, although it may feel like it, esp. in this first week which must seem interminable. For now, it's keeping you in the workforce and giving you something to put on your CV in preparation for when the economy picks up. (Everyone wants customer service skills these days. And I'm sure with your word skills you can polish up that CV very nicely.)

For now, just keep plugging away. This too will pass.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Teresa - MY LIFE- Fast food cook at 16- Mechanic- Security Agent-Library book transfer/deliverer.. Truck driver,, Best lily grower in Tasmania.. .. The last one sounds the best

Christchurch, New Zealand

you forgot 'all around good bloke' Anthony...

Nasty weather today, so glad I don't have work.
On the couch with a woollen blanket - stolen from the dog's bed!
Pellet fire burning & me with stuffed up sinus, headache, sore throat & now a cough starting up.

Magnetic island, Australia

Theresa get well soon, don't giveup re your job, sometimes in these situations you start at the bottom and then you can work your way up, especially someone as smart as you...you are alive.

To warm you up, tonights sunset....not bragging just giving you a bit of warmth from the tropics...ps..... it's not all sunshine and beach here, but am grateful for everything I've got ...especially my health and the feeling of being alive, especially after the recent airline tragedy .

Thumbnail by MyaMya
Christchurch, New Zealand

I graduated to the check outs & picked it up easily enough...
lots of kind words from supervisors

but - I hate it with a passion...

am going to resign & keep looking for something I can feel a sense of accomplishment in doing.

I am still sick which didn't help, have an appointment with my Dr for a check up.
I need to be well enough to impress prospective employers when I go to interviews.

With -3C start to the day I phoned in sick and spent most of the time in bed catching up on the sleep I lost last night with all the coughing & stressing about what to do about the job.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Im about to lose a month Teresa... but hey? A person must be happy

Magnetic island, Australia

thinking of you both Anthony and Teresa, hope you both feel better soon, summer is just around the corner

I echo what Mya said.

Love and light to you both.


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