ID For Wild Tree in Swamp

East Bridgewater, MA

I didn't recognize this leaf pattern when i saw it, so i snapped a few shots. there was no other tree like this in the swamp i was traversing. It had suffered a lot of insect damage.

Any idea what this is?

Thumbnail by neefman Thumbnail by neefman Thumbnail by neefman Thumbnail by neefman
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I think its Quercus

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

You need to head back to the swamp and get a picture of the leaf underside. Until you do that, I'll venture that it's Q. bicolor.

East Bridgewater, MA

The last pic IS of the underside of the leaves zoomed in from about 30 feet below.

This message was edited May 18, 2014 7:15 PM

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I think it's Q. bicolor (Swamp White Oak) too. It looks similar to a seedling (from an acorn in 2005) of it that I have. I remember taking this pic. It was a nice red Fall color but that isn't the typical color after a few years on them, I believe they are usually brown. My pic was a different time of year though. - It's on pg. 14 if you want to look at theirs, it grows throughout the state of Mass. Leaves all clustered together like a Buckeye is how mine does too. I can get a pic tonite but the leaves are tiny, it just woke up, in fact I thought it was dead. We had a pretty harsh Winter, lotsa stuff died.

Thumbnail by shortleaf
East Bridgewater, MA

I think you guys are right: Swamp White Oak. I've never seen the leaves so small, and it was weird it was the only one I saw through miles of trail.

This species was transplanted to Ground Zero in NYC from Pennsylvania to honor the victims of United Airlines Flight 93, I believe.

Yeah, when you get a chance post a pic and we can compare. Thanks!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Sure, here's a few pics of my Swamp White Oak tonite. -
The leaves get about 3 times this size in about a month or so. Neat story on them.

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf

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