Eco-Grass from Prairie Moon?

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Hi. Has anyone tried the Eco-Grass from Prairie Moon? It caught my eye and I'm wondering whether it seeds easily--particularly on a lawn already full of grass and weeds...

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Well I guess no one else has tried it! I decided to order 1 bag just to try it since I like the sound of it.

(Zone 5a)

We have it and lost much of it down the driveway...

We bought a huge amount, double what we thought we needed. We had a new garage built and my husband wants shorter grasses around it. Ticks! Would you know, the day after the area was seeded, we had a heavy, heavy rain. That was in the fall.

My husband is trying again this spring, but smaller areas and placing things to prevent erosion. It is coming up, but sparsely right now. The one thing I am not sure it will handle is the foot traffic of little children.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

thanks, Chilly. I got a small amount and will give it a try. I'm curious about it.

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