Seed advise please

Bendigo, Australia

This is my Japanese Windflower...I have learnt that the seeds should be planted asap after harvesting, but I was wanting to know if the centre is one whole actual seed, or is it a pod containing many seeds? And also, should it be removed from the plant to dry after petals have fallen, or left on plant to dry out naturally? I don't want to harvest the fresh pods too early, only to find that they needed to stay on the plant to mature before being removed. Thanks for any info. Cheers

Thumbnail by chrysies Thumbnail by chrysies Thumbnail by chrysies
Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

Your anemone seed heads are not yet fully developed. They will become a ball of fine fluff, with lots of tiny seeds within . This page shows the seeds fully developed and even blowing off the plant:


Bendigo, Australia

Oh thank you so much Ken...I have been searching for any sort of pic of the seeds without success. These are great images, and just what I needed to see. Now I know what to expect, and will be keeping a very close eye on this happening. Thanks again so much, I really appreciate it. Cheers Chrysies :-)

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