Having trouble with several insect/pest infestations at once

San Antonio, TX

I have a small nursery business, and have encountered a problem I have never had and don't know how to handle it. I have had several infestations (not just slight occurrences) with a few different pests, and now it seems to be all at once. It started with aphids, I released ladybugs and it seemed to take care of the problem, then the next week I had spider mites and when I went to treat them I also noticed white flies. The problem is slightly more complicated because I have LOTS of edible plants and herbs/vegetables and don't want to use insecticides. My shop/store front is in a closed space at a flea market, I have lights and fans and everything set up to maintain them but they are grown at my home. At my home, I seem to have 0 problems with any of these insects, only at my store front. How can I treat prevent these guys in a reasonable way? I have used lady bugs, which helps but does not correct the problem, and neem oil has really done nothing for the white flies. These pests are killing all of my plants, but unlike a large grower, I can't afford to just toss the infected plants and I have too many plants to handle them individually. but I also refuse to sell infested plants to customers. I am afraid If I can't find a solution I am going to have to close my store. I am not just looking for infestation treatment, but prevention as well. Can anyone help?

Thumbnail by ashley85 Thumbnail by ashley85 Thumbnail by ashley85 Thumbnail by ashley85 Thumbnail by ashley85
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Use sticky yellow traps for white flies.
Keep the leaves washed off, clean of dust to reduce spider mite problems.

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