Poison Ivy on Oak Tree

Ozark, MO(Zone 6a)

I'm not sure where to ask this question, so I'll try here. We have a big oak tree in the center of our front yard. When we had our house built, that area needed to be raised up with fill dirt about four feet. I wanted to save the tree, so I had our builder put big rocks all around the trunk so soil wouldn't be up around it so much. That worked, and the tree is fine 22 years later.

But for all that time, poison ivy has grown up the tree - lots of it, reaching about 35 feet high, and I'd REALLY like to get rid of it. I've been afraid to use herbicide, as we sure don't want to lose that tree. Several times over the years I've tried to cut and pull the poison ivy out but it just comes back stronger than ever. The roots are down in that bed of rocks, they break off, and it's impossible to pull them all out. Also, the other times I tried to get rid of it I didn't stay after it like I should have, and I let it get started back up the tree.

Today I cut and pulled the poison ivy all around the tree as high as I can reach, and I made sure there aren't any vines left, even tiny ones, from ground level to over six feet up. Now, all growing season, I'll mow close around the tree and weed-whack every last bit of ivy that comes up. If I can keep the ivy from having any leaves at all for this whole year, do you think it'll die?

Or, I've got a super herbicide that gets dabbed on the stumps of fresh-cut tree sprouts and it kills them. The stuff is so strong I had to sign some government form to buy it at the feed store. I sure don't want to kill that tree, though. What would you do?

Thumbnail by Ozark Thumbnail by Ozark Thumbnail by Ozark
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I think you have the right idea- starve by keeping it from growing, and poison cut ends. Herbicide should not get through the bark of the tree, or certainly not enough to kil a big tree when you are deliberately only putting it on cut vine ends.

Russell, KY(Zone 6b)

Still looks too deeply buried, though.

Central, AL(Zone 8a)

When I moved into my house poison ivy had taken over. Vines as thick as my wrist went up all the trees out back. I used a sharp edging tool to chop a section out of the base of each vine then used a paintbrush and put Roundup concentrate on the cut section leading to the root.

Let me tell you it worked. But the dead woody vine could still be seen on the trunks of those trees for 10 years.

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