Sale on quality noid iris

Dewey, AZ(Zone 7a)

I have purchased five of them from this guy (already had spent all my iris money, but couldn't pass up a few more) and they are already passing up their earlier-planted brethren in new growth and vigor.

He just bought out a closing iris farm, and has to make room for those iris, so he's selling noid irises for 2.50 each plus a flat rate for shipping. They're healthy rhizomes, shipped quickly, and like I said--they take off quickly if you put them in the ground or pot them up right away.

I will be buying named varieties from him next year if he's selling them--mostly he's a collector, but sells when he has to thin out--hundreds of named iris. Just figured if you want iris and are willing to wait and name them yourselves, this guy is a good source.

Dallas, TX

I wish I had known about this sooner. I just sent a msg. on Facebook asking if he had any left and if he'd sell small quantities as I'm low on $$.

Where abouts is Windcrest? I'm in Dallas, Zone 8a. Thought irises had to be planted in the fall but what do I know? So you are already seeing good growth with yours? How long ago did you plant them? Can't be all that much diff. between 8a and 8b. Well, given the size and climes of TX, I guess there could be.

I have been liberating irises from alleys, etc, but it would be nice to have some that were grown by a pro, even if they're noids.

Thanks for the heads up. BTW, how much was shipping for the 5 that you bought?

Dewey, AZ(Zone 7a)

Hi there. He shipped them in a small flat rate box--at any rate my total was 16.00 or so.

I wouldn't plant any iris down here after late May if I can help it...gets too hot and they just lay there and cook. But you're up there a little ways, you might get by with the first half of June. If you figure late May as your deadline for spring and early Sept. for your start date in fall, you'll have a good guideline.

That's only for putting them in the ground in full sun, though. I have potted them up in the dead of summer and put them in a part shade location until it's time for a fall planting, and they put on new green and roots in time for fall planting.

I'd bet Matt will have more to sell, he had tons of them to get rid of!

Whitesboro, TX

tx_flower_child if you want to buy some locally, I have plenty of rhizomes that came misnamed that I will sell you for less money and with no postage. I'm about an hour north of Dallas but can meet you somewhere if that helps. They wouldn't have to be out of the ground longer than a day that way. I can send pictures of them if you want to see what's available or I can do a mix/match bunch.
I have over 1400 varieties here and don't keep any I don't KNOW that are correct. We moved an entire iris farm in January of this year and some of them are even blooming. They are tough plants!!

Dallas, TX

jlkapps - what exciting news you sent me! I would love to get some of your irises. And also would love to see your iris farm. The other great thing about your offer is that I've been needing to take my car out on the highway. (My mechanic has been after me to take a drive as I think it helps the engine but I dunno the details.) Let's get in touch and see if we can come up with a day/time for me to visit. (I'm retired so my schedule is pretty flexible.) I'll send you a D-Mail with my contact info. If D-Mail doesn't work for you, let me know and I'll go with an alternate means of contact. In the meantime I'll google Whitesboro to get an idea of it's whereabouts.

Dallas, TX

jlkapps - do you happen to have an iris called 'Undying Love'? Last fall I was given a bunch of tiny mostly NOIDs but also a few of this and a few of that. There was one small lonely one called Undying Love. Didn't have a bed ready so I put it in a pot. Sometime over the winter when I wasn't paying attention, it got knocked out by a squirrel looking for acorns. I've since sifted thru the mounds of oak leaves and cedar mulch in the vicinity of the pot, but I guess I've lost my undying love. This is so tragic b/c everyone should have undying love! :(

Whitesboro, TX

No, I don't have 'Undying Love'. It's an arilbred and I have very few of them. I know of someone that might have, though, and will ask her when I see her at the show in Ft Worth next Saturday. I bet we can find it for you again!!

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