Viburnum prune

Dahlonega, GA

Do I ,or not , and how would be the correct way .

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Why do you want to prune? Do you have any pics?

Dahlonega, GA

My camera's shot . I don't necessarily want to prune , I just don't know if I should every so often . My Korean Spice is about seven ft tall and full of blooms . I have two other scented viburnums that are as tall and blooming beautifully. Some plants need pruning , like azelias , but don't know if it would be beneficial for my viburnums or not .If they fill in by themselves , I'm just as happy .This is their fourth year I think .

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Viburnums don't 'need' to be pruned but, you can if you want to shape them up (make their shape more pleasing if they are growing unsightly). It sounds like they are totally fine as is, plenty of bloom and fruit production is a real good sign. If you decide to prune to shape, do so after blooms fade. You will be sacrificing the following seasons fruit though.

Dahlonega, GA

Thanks , Robin , I like them fine now . Now I know if need be , can prune in the future .

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

You're very welcome Digger, enjoy those beauties!

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