Saving potted gift roses

Selangor, Malaysia

Hi everyone,
I've just purchased a potted gift rose from Cold Storage a few days ago, and now, the leaves are drying up although the soil is still moist. can anyone please give me some advice on how to save it and acclimatize it to be planted outdoors ? ( hot scorching tropical sun )

noonamah, Australia

You certainly pick the difficult ones for your climate. As far as I know roses are grown in the dry season here, and that's only certain types. The biggest problem is apparently the high humidity, not so much the sun. You should try this web site, you'll get better information there. It's based in Singapore so is more relevant to your climate. And you know how fanatical Singaporeans can be about gardening, LOL.

Selangor, Malaysia

Haha, thanks :)

Selangor, Malaysia

What is happening to my rose !? When I first bought it , it was healthy and last week , the stems started to turn black ( from the bottom-up ) and the leaves started to dry up , and now I ended up with this ... Is there any ways to save it ?

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