How - What do you think?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Steve and I make the rooftop bird houses, but we use soil to hold the plants. This one only uses spaghnum moss.
How do you think the succs are being held onto the roof?
I am wondering if there are just slats for the roof instead of a solid roof. Than with a layer of garden mess over the slats, then a thick layer of moss and then wire through the succulents driven down into the cloth to secure them?
Any thoughts?

Thumbnail by haighr
Andrews, TX(Zone 8a)

What exactly is your end goal? Are you trying to mass produce succulent bird houses?
Genuinely curious.

Decatur, GA

I would be hard to tell exactly how someone got the succulents to stay on the roof of the birdhouse without a good look or instructions. If this is in your possession what do you see? If not can you get access to the maker for instructions?
It sure is cute. Do you suppose it for actual bird housing? Not sure how long the plants would continue to look as good as they do in this picture.

Andrews, TX(Zone 8a)

"Commercial" succulents are generally easy to grow. Hence, their recent boom in popularity. Not sure a bird would be attracted to a house covered in unfamiliar foliage. If the structure itself appeals to you, it would be relatively simple to do. Fill the house with a fast draining mix and plant the succulents through the slats. You see succulents planted in an eclectic variety of objects not close to resembling traditional planters. Lots of books, magazines and DIY website with special sections pertaining to creative planting!
If you are looking to attract birds, choose plants in the bird's natural habitat. In that case, what the structure looks like should come secondary to providing adequate shelter for the birds.
Have fun!


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