Leaf spot problelms

Saluda, SC(Zone 8a)

As my iris are coming into leaf and beginning to put up stalks I have noticed these spots on some of the leaves.

What is it and what do I do to correct the problem. BTW: I don't mulch my iris, it just looks that way in the photos.

Thumbnail by gessieviolet Thumbnail by gessieviolet
Concord, NC

Having Leaf Spot this Early In The South where it is Very Humid is not good. If You have it at bay than it wont usually get noticeable till mid Summer. Here in the South, their are no retail available fungacides strong enough to treat leaf spot..as none-toxic ones like Propaconazole or Daconil sold over the conter at the hardware store might work to some degree in the north where the cold in the winter takes care of alot of these problems anyway but not here where it is fairly warm/humid 8 months out of the year, you would have to get a commercial wholesale fungacide or spraying program of something very nasty and extremely toxic to humans, birds ,and wildlife.. like Mancazeb or Copper sulfide, which are heavy metal toxins that get in cells and even the water table.
Heres the best way to get rid of leaf spot in the Carolinas and humid deep south, or atleast tame it for the most part. right now leaves that are extremely bad the very worst more than 60 percent covered on a day when its not wet and rainy, but fairly dry.remove these worst of the worst leaves completely of at the base of the rhizome. do not just cut diseased tips off with scissors dipped in peroxide! this method called dip and snip will not work in the South..it will just open up the vascular system of the plant to more disaese and humidity and then you really will have a problem, do not cut your rhizomes into fans either in the fall if you have leaf spot. After you remove the worst leaves, dispose of them in the trash bag and tye it off or burn them, do not put disesed leaves on the mulch pile! then your going to have to keep an eye on them for the rest of the year and keep repeating the removal of just the very worst leaves. Than and this is the most important part..around thanksgiving in late November ,You need to Remove all of the dead leaves now in the early winter and rake all the remaining leaves again in Early March to get any you may have missed before the new Spring growth comes up so it does not get recontaminated. Hope this helps You

This message was edited Apr 3, 2014 1:00 AM

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