Hydrangeas in TX ?

Rancho Santa Rita, TX(Zone 8a)

Do they have a chance for success ?

Thumbnail by BajaBlue
Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Go to the Hydrangea Forum. Luis is from Texas and is very knowledgeable about them so it seems like they should be okay.

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

yes you can grow Hydrangeas successfully in the Dallas area.
Hydrangea = lots of water
I have mine in the shade and by a sprinkler head. The clay soil here stays really wet in the shade and it is perfect for Hydrangeas.
If you want to prune them, do it after the bloom is spent.
Do not trim early in the spring, otherwise you will have no blooms.
Honestly I never trim mine, they are the size that I like.
The white Hydrangea in the pictures is ANNABELLE, which is a TRUE white and one of the largest to bloom.
Good luck !

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Rancho Santa Rita, TX(Zone 8a)

thanks ya'll !

Dallas, TX

For a different type of hydrangea that does well in Dallas, you might consider the Oakleaf Hydrangea. Mine are coming back beautifully after this harsh winter. I grow them in partial shade. They're not as colorful as the blues and pinks, but they can grow very large and have great flowers. If memory serves, which is questionable, there's a great example of one that is planted at North Haven Gardens in Dallas. If you're ever over that way you should check it out. I kinda think there's also a really big one growing at the Calloways on Greenville Ave in Dallas.

I tend to neglect mine so that means they don't get a lot of water. I do keep them mulched, tho. Periodically I might give them a foliar feed of liquid seaweed or Medina Plus or Garrett Juice or whatever I happen to have around the house and am using on everything else.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

I see them all over Houston area also.

Sugarland, TX(Zone 9a)

Wher iloveJesus ? Where ? I am in Sugarland and dying to get some info.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

There are 3or 4 types do well around Houston, but I dont think the season is right yet- usually they show up in Springtime displays. I dont know Sugarland very well, but always loved Nelsons Water Gardens and Nursery in Katy, Tx myself

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Lowe's sells them every year. Maas nursery has them, they are in Laporte. I don't think Lowe's has any now unless they have't sold out. They will have them again early to mid spring and Maas shold still have them now

Fort Worth, TX

I've had them do ok here but why are my flowers green? Instead of white like they are supposed to be?

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Depends on what kind you have Gypsi. Several will start green, go to white, and maybe fade to green or pink (paniculatas). Annabelle will do that as well (arborescens).

Here is one of my Annabelle hydrangeas (late May, early June, late July) to show how it changes color over time.

Thumbnail by hcmcdole Thumbnail by hcmcdole Thumbnail by hcmcdole
Fort Worth, TX

mine are Annabelle's. only the first bloom was white,rest all came out green

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

That sounds weird. Did you observe it day to day, week by week?

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Missing a ph balance if i remember right

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

What has pH got to do with Annabelle which is an arborescens type hydrangea? Or is this about another hydrangea further up in the thread? pH will affect macrophylla hydrangeas (pink or blue or somewhere in between but it really is the aluminum in the soil that affects the color and low pH will allow the roots to take up the aluminum turning the blooms blue).

Fort Worth, TX

came out green, stayed green then turned brown after freeze. I had one white bloom all year. I looked at hydrangeas in other peoples yards and they also seemed to have a green cast if grown in shade?

Fort Worth, TX

well I had gorgeous white hydrangea blooms on my Annabelle's again, and now they are putting out green blooms. So I did some research: http://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/hydrangea/green-hydrangea-blooms.htm

Thumbnail by Gypsi
Dallas, TX

Very nice, Gypsi.

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Good to hear you have white blooms again.

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