Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Let's have a new thread about spring weather. Maybe we can scare the snow away.

Cold but a beautiful sunny day here today.

Wyoming, MN

Snowing high of 22!!!?

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Yikes, no more snow!!!!!

Oh gosh, I just looked outside and its's snowing.

This message was edited Mar 24, 2014 3:57 PM

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Woke up to about an inch of snow. I will shovel by the back door only. It should melt in 24hrs.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Rain expected tonight and almost all day tomorrow off and on. Crocus blooming on the south side of house. Finally!!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Well, it has been cool here in the mornings this week - low 30s with heavy frost every morning, but most of the afternoon temps have hit mid 50s ...with sunshine thank goodness!! Looks like Spring might finally be arriving in South Arkansas so hang on folks - there really is hope!!
I know we will have some cold snaps here and there - we always do..... but for the most part the worst should be behind us. All the daffs are in full bloom and of course the weeds are out in full force.............. ^_^

Hope everyone is thawing out!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

It's been cold here today too. At least it is a sunny day here though.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Going up to 52°f today with rain. The top of the soil look dry, but I am sure that it is still moist below from all that snow. I will be doing some yard cleanup this Sunday. That will be the best day weather wise around here. Expecting upper fifties and partly cloudy skies.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Wow.... a heat wave for you Mike!! Enjoy! ^_^

Wyoming, MN

Drizzle and 38 today very grey. Good sleeping weather.


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Gary, don't give up hope now!! You are very close.

Wyoming, MN

We are suposed to be 58 and sunny Sunday.


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Gary, I guess you had a great Sunday???

Wyoming, MN

Yes and the frost is out in the front yard (south facing). Still a foot of snow in the backyard though. Grey today but 40's. Tomato, Peppper and some flower seeds doing well indoors. Still some Amaryllis and orchids blooming indoors too.
I picked up aq Voodoo lily on clearance ar Menards last year. Planted it, it just sat there all summer. I brought it in in the Fall, it just sat there. Suddenly in two weeks time it produced a two foot tall leaf and a 15in flower. Didn't stink too bad unless you were right next to it. It added a little green excitement to the winter scene.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

It is such a gorgeous day here..........i wish I could sneak off from work and go play in the yard. Just got back from running home for lunch and it was SOOO hard to return to work. The yard was definitely calling my name. around 70 degrees with a very light occasional breeze and sunshine........

We got a lot of rain on Saturday night and heavy storms..... the little community where I grew up had golfball plus size hail...........bad news! We were not at home (we live about 20 miles from there) but I could tell when we got home that there had been a lot of heavy, heavy wind. Fences and signs blown down in the neighborhood, and some big trees across the power lines so we were without power for a few hours.

Hope everyone is slowly thawing out!


Said 60 today, but the wind makes it feel about 40. The yard looks like were getting a fence up soon :) Spraypaint and flags everywhere! So we shouldnt drop the electrical grid in the neighborhood. LOL My dirty little moles are back, seen the first signs today...Let the BATTLE begin!!!

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Gary, heard about your snow yesterday. What a bummer. At least you have some action indoors.
We got up to 68°f yesterday. One day tease of things to come. LOL!
Genna, it seems like you are always getting some weird weather down there.
Badcat, good luck with those critters.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Yeah, we are prone to some strange weather although this winter has been very unusual in the continual waves of bad weather. Now, I pray that Spring isn't going to be the same way with severe weather!! I would rather have ice and snow than tornadoes!!!!

They are calling for the possibility of more bad storms this week.......... :( It heats up so quickly here then that cold air still coming in from the north and when the two meet it isn't pretty. .....

badcat, good luck eliminating those varmits!


I just crawled across the front yard on my hands and knees shoving juicy fruit in the mounds. LOL Pretty sure my neighbors are used to seeing strange things by now, I know theyve all seen me in my jammies haha.

pics of the wire flags in the yard..going to be a lot of hand digging!! =(

Spring carnage has made it inside my house!

Gen- Be careful!! Were supposed to be getting nasty storms this week. Im getting the stuff ready in the laundry room. Just in case. Better to be safe than sorry. xx TC!

Thumbnail by badcat Thumbnail by badcat Thumbnail by badcat Thumbnail by badcat
West St. Paul, MN

Most of our snow has now melted in the Twin Cities area. Yesterday it actually FELT like spring because the temp. was almost 60. However, today, it's back in the 20s/30s with the promise of more snow on Thursday and Friday. I was finally able to peek at some of my fall planted daylilies. The ones I can see are showing bits of green. That is very encouraging after the winter we've just had. Thus far, I have 17 on order for this spring.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Badcat, there's a video of you on Youtube showing you crawling around the yard. It's a good thing you were properly attired. Lol! April fools!! Gotcha!!!
Cataddict, I see you love the UF's, I look thru my inventory and found "Unidentified Flying Object" that I can share with you if you are interested. We are expecting a lot of rain the next few days. Up to two inches have been predicted.

West St. Paul, MN

Mike: That would be wonderful! I don't have that one. I'll see what I can trade for it. Most of mine are not even up yet and I don't know that they all survived this past winter. I seem to recall you like the large flowered ones. The most consistent, 'perfect bloom every time' DL that I have is Stamile's 'Taos'. I may have enough 'Westbourne Mom's Cinnamon Rolls' or 'Rose Masterpiece' if you are interested. I don't have many full-flowered ones.


Mike has Jokes! LOL Hopefully they got a good shot of the latex glove poking the ground.

Thunderstorms today and tomorrow. Tom high of 78 and severe storms prob tornado warning. Bout time to get the kit around.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Yep - that time of year. I spent a couple more hours after work in my bed last night and it was SO still and so very muggy I was really worried that a bad storm was coming..........but thankfully we only got some rain! They have the whole state highlighted tomorrow for severe storms and possible tornadoes :(

I hope to make a little bigger dent this afternoon in the bed I am working on - probably won't have a chance to work in it tomorrow if it is as bad as they are expecting.

Badcat - looks like someone has some work cut out for them!


Can Opener, Blankets, and Flashlight. Everything else is down there. My 5 am wake up call was all the sirens going off, Tornado Warning already this morn. Sure theres more to come. Was 65 out at 5 am. Lot of power outages already.

Be safe today Gen!!

Hope everyone is having better weather!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

oh my....that is NO way to wake up! It was 69 here this morning at 6:30! NOT a good sign for April. ..... and so muggy that it hit you like a lead balloon when you went out. They say that IF we can get some thunderstorms mid day to break up the clash, we might skate by......but they say if we don't get those mid day it might be really, really bad tonight. :(

Be safe Badcat! and everyone.................

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

It's nasty here today, only a high of 39 and freezing rain in some areas.

Wyoming, MN

8" of new snow and a mess. The news even showed a snowplow in the ditch!

West St. Paul, MN

LOL! Sorry for laughing, hostages. Yes, we got about 6-8 inches here in West St. Paul. Hated seeing it, but it's already melting. It will be gone by Monday at the latest.


tornados all day yesterday, gen you make it through ok?

My papa is here :D Carnage has begun!

Thumbnail by badcat Thumbnail by badcat Thumbnail by badcat Thumbnail by badcat
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Tornadoes missed us. Weather is warming. All DL are up except for one. Might have lost that one to a sinking hole.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Going up to about 50°f today and fifty seven tomorrow with no rain.
Badcat, what's papa gonna do??
CG don't give up hope yet !
Gary and Cataddict, the snow seem to go on and on up there.
Cataddict, I have always admired Taos. I know it's not white but most of the pics that I see try to portray it as that.
Genna, hopefully the bad weather is kept to a minimum so that you can garden in peace.


He brought a 4 wheel drive to pull bushes and an electric post hole digger :D Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Badcat, it sounds like you are going to get a lot done this weekend.

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

We had torrential rain on and off yesterday and wind, But the temps were in the 60's. My DLs are up too along with numerous bulbs and perennials. The magnolias are blooming, but the heavy rain has been hard on them and the flowers that are blooming. Every year it's either the frost or heavy rain that gets the magnolias. Oh well, there are pretty while they last!

Thumbnail by Nanny23 Thumbnail by Nanny23 Thumbnail by Nanny23 Thumbnail by Nanny23 Thumbnail by Nanny23
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Oh, gorgeous magnolias!! That seems to be the way it is with them with the rain or a frost. Frustrating, but they can be spectacular.

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks CvG! Yeah, every year! We have such unpredictable weather in March and April It could be 80* or 20* in the same week, lol. A gardener's nightmare for sure!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Not very nice looking out right now. We have had 3 days of gray skies and rain on and off. Highs were in the upper 40's. Haven't checked the weather report yet this morning to see if it will warm up any.

West St. Paul, MN

Yes, we got dumped on Thursday-Friday. I got about 8 inches of God's dandruff. (No offense to anyone) However, this late in the year, it will probably be all gone by Monday. Most of the streets are already clear.


No flowers here yet, Nanny yours are beauties!!! :)

Day 2, everyones pooped here.

Thumbnail by badcat

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