Euphorbia ID

FSD, Pakistan(Zone 10b)

I Bought from Thailand this Caudex Euphorbia, but can't identify,
Anyone know which Euphorbia?


Thumbnail by cactus_lover
Decatur, GA

I certainly like your new plant. But I can't identify it, so sorry. Have you perused this site:
It has lots of pictures.
Good luck.

Sun Lakes, AZ(Zone 9b)

I don't know what it is either Yasir, but Helen's suggested site looks very good. I love the nice round caudex on the plant. Let us know if you do find out what it is.

FSD, Pakistan(Zone 10b)

Finally found.
It is not Euphorbia.
It is Petopentia natalensis from Ascepiadaceae family.


Decatur, GA

Great news. Good detective work!
I have tried to grow this several times and had no luck. They all rotted. I hope you have better luck than I did in getting it to thrive.

This message was edited Apr 28, 2014 7:34 AM

Sun Lakes, AZ(Zone 9b)

I looked up this plant and there is that beautiful round caudex. I want to try to get one. Helen, was yours in semi-hydroponics?

Decatur, GA

Nancy, I don't think so. Seems it was longer ago than I started using the s/h.
I was drawn to it because of the caudex, of course, but also the nice purple leaves.
Good luck if you try.

Sun Lakes, AZ(Zone 9b)

Thanks, Helen! I figure if it will grow in Pakistan, it should grow in Phoenix, plus I will use S-H to help!

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