Another Japanese Black Pine?

East Bridgewater, MA

Seen near Newport RI. 2 Needles per bundle, very flexible. Washed out looking crown. Cones look like a match from my previous JBP (I am now keeping a collection of cones - I've graduated into total nerdom)

There were LOTS of cones on several of these trees.

Am I right?


Thumbnail by neefman Thumbnail by neefman Thumbnail by neefman Thumbnail by neefman Thumbnail by neefman
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)


Quote from neefman :
(I am now keeping a collection of cones - I've graduated into total nerdom)

Join the club! How many species so far?? ;-)


East Bridgewater, MA

I have doubled my total since Friday, I now have collected and labelled a grand total of two. I would have added a third but you shot me down by confirming that this was a species I already had. lol.

Question: I fear my wife will no longer find me desirable if I disclose to her my secret cone collection plan. Any experience hiding this interesting but very unsexy hobby?

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Conifer cones make great holiday decorations, singly or in baskets full. Getting a head start is the best approach.

Disclose the cost of purchasing and shipping all of these to Massachusetts - versus you collecting them for free - and all of a sudden you are Husband of the Year.

I bet you can't wait to traipse out to California and pick up a few Pinus lambertiana and Pinus coulteri.

You don't know from sexy...

Thumbnail by ViburnumValley Thumbnail by ViburnumValley Thumbnail by ViburnumValley Thumbnail by ViburnumValley
East Bridgewater, MA

That would be like when Homer Simpson bought a bowling bowl for Marge on her birthday with his size finger holes. She almost had an affair after that...

Seriously though, those gigantic cones look like pineapples! The cat is a great scale marker.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

And his name was Quercus macrocarpa.

May he be playing in that big bowl of cones in the sky...

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