Your favorite foliar feeds

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I use home made compost and worm castings in the soil but sometimes by mid summer things start to look a bit hungry in my hot, hot climate. If I put any manures or commercial organic granular food down my dog eats it and gets sick every time. Foliar food seems to be the answer for me. I have used Maxi Gro but wonder if there are others out there that people like? There are few local sources of good organics so I will order online.

ardesia - since you're already using compost in the spring, you might want to consider making compost tea for a foliar feed. If you can use non-chlorinated water to make the tea, that would be great.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I did think about that, and I do collect rainwater. In the past I used worm tea for my containers and the difference it made was amazing. But, I am old and lazy now and want something easy right out of a bottle that I can put in a hose end sprayer. I have too large an area and the plant material is too large to do by hand.

Hmm - there's Terracycle, comes in recycled beverage bottles. But I did read a theory that because the commercial stuff isn't aerated, the beneficials in it tend to die off. I'm not sure what the residual benefits are since I didn't look in depth.

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