Masavi pepper

Talihina, OK

Not sure if the spelling is right or not a lady from my gardening wants to try this so does anyone know anything about this and of any source for seed... I do try to encourage the trying of new things ,if we can locate these seeds then we will likely plant in one of our raised beds at the Talihina Public Library..

Thumbnail by grits74571
Talihina, OK

Okay some correction is in order the plant she wanted seems to be a Wasabia a Japanese Horseradish she called me on the phone wanted to know about this plant and from all I could discover it is quite difficult to grow which means it is a no-no for her as well as anyone that lives in this hot humid climate..

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

does look like wasabi isnt grown locally in the US...

Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

IIRC, wasabi has a very limited niche in which it can grow. So limited, few people have ever actually had "wasabi" unless they specifically went looking for the real thing -- the green paste you get is regular horseradish with food coloring and some spices.

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