Curly Branched Conifer ID

East Bridgewater, MA

Lighting was awful here, but there was nothing i could do. What I think may be diagnostic is the curly ends of the branches. I'm not 100% sure the cone pics belong to this tree, but I'm pretty certain.

Thumbnail by neefman Thumbnail by neefman Thumbnail by neefman Thumbnail by neefman Thumbnail by neefman
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Deodar Cedar Cedrus deodara (pics 1, 3, 4, and left two trees in pic 2) and Japanese Larch Larix kaempferi (pic 5, and right-hand tree in pic 2).


East Bridgewater, MA

Thanks! Followup question: Do the cones I have in this pic match the Deodar Cedar? I didn't include this pic because it came out blurry.

My next post was going to be the larch you got because it didn't match the American variety I am somewhat familiar with. Nice two for one special. :)

Thumbnail by neefman
Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Even blurry, those things are not seed cones of Cedrus deodara. With no scale, those might be the male coning structure but I wouldn't think they'd have kept that much integrity.

East Bridgewater, MA

Hah! Now I can fire back at you VV with my standard response (all with good humor:)) This is the best a dad/casual tree lover can do in most instances. I was pushing it as it was.

Even if I was alone there were so many trees I was completely overwhelmed - I'd never be able to sort them correctly.

Many of the other posts you've admonished me on (when I was alone) I didn't have any excuse, though, I have to admit. lol.

This message was edited Feb 22, 2014 7:40 PM

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

OFF TOPIC: for some reason, your post above runs off the page to the right (out of the box) in the second paragraph, and I am unreasonably deprived of your witty repartée. Whatever comes after "" is lost to IT irregularity. It may be because with all the ... it comes out as one long word, which doesn't "wrap" down to another line. You should write to Admins and see whazzup. Or - edit your post, and put a space in some of the places where the ... are, so that it seems like it ISN'T all one long word.

OK - back to REAL DG banter.

With all good humor (and no kids in tow myself) - I'd say with offspring present you have even less excuse!

Perfect chance to employ free child labor, under the guise of LEARNING OPPORTUNITY. After really deep sighs are emitted, provide really disgusting or objectionable alternative task so that picking up plant parts seems like candy/video game/vacation comparatively. You could even let THEM take the pictures - they are probably better than you - and you pick up the desirable bits off the ground.

Parents these days...

East Bridgewater, MA

That was pretty witty yourself VV, but you still have no clue. Lol

I always love good-natured banter between adults with kids those without. We will never understand each other.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

I have 5 younger brothers - and I'm one of ten siblings. I got the raising kids task done early, and that education directed much of my future life choices.

I may still not understand you, but I don't think I need to repeat THAT experience.

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

This is very, very good entertainment. I raised two kids and I'm not sure who's side to take. I've got say that VV's sibling experience is pretty compelling. :)

East Bridgewater, MA

I'll let VV get the last word, because ironically I've got a birthday party for my daughter to get ready for, I only have a few minutes, and I want to squeeze in a few more pics for IDs! :)

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

It's all good. Have a happy one.

It's snowing here again - big fat flakes...

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