
Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

My sister in So Cal has several large 'mahaluka paperbark' trees alongside the street. I'm sure they're melaleuca's, but not sure the exact species (very white bark with prominent peeling 'paperbark'). She has a smaller melaleuca species by the front door, chosen because of it's smaller size, again I don't know which species, but again has paperbark-type shedding cream-colored bark. At any rate, the 'smaller' melaleuca (which is ~12ft tall) by the front door is falling over. It has multiple trunks. Can this type of tree be coppiced to the ground and rejuvenated that way? Or is the only hope of saving the tree to dig it up, which would be far more arduous.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Wee, could your sister send you some photos to post, including some of the base of the tree ? Also, does she know what might have caused it to fall over in the first place?

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Yes, Melaleuca can be coppiced (this is one of its problem traits where it is invasive, e.g. Florida: "Unless a stump is ground, trees will resprout after being cut down").


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