Do you DIY? (Do it yourself)

(Zone 7a)
There are a total of 99 votes:

Yes, I tackle every project around the house or yard myself.
(38 votes, 38%)
Red dot

I do the easy stuff, but hire someone for the bigger jobs.
(19 votes, 19%)
Red dot

I have a close friend or family member that helps with projects and maintenance.
(18 votes, 18%)
Red dot

I used to do everything, but not so much anymore.
(20 votes, 20%)
Red dot

I hire out all the chores I possibly can.
(2 votes, 2%)
Red dot

Other (tell us!)
(2 votes, 2%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

We have lived here 32 years. Twice I hired someone.
One time to fix the well. Other time to change electric service from 100 to 200 Amps.

Kingsville, TX(Zone 9b)

I used to do just about everything myself. Occasional help from husband, sons and/or grandsons if job was beyond my physical strength. Now that I'm widowed and have reached the "Golden Years" (aka "The Rusty Years"), I have to call son/grandsons more often. I really try not to impose on them. And I hire someone for big jobs. I still do the mowing and the yard work myself, though. I've always been happier outdoors than I am indoors. It is just so frustrating to be so limited in abilities now! ! !

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Easy myself , everything else hired , when can ,,,
Abilities have only began to be limited .. Taking it and doing as I (we) can..

Still sounds busy ,, doesn't it ^_^

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

I LOOOOOOVE being outdoors so if I can do it, I will. Im slower than I used to be and it takes longer to recover from when things have to be lifted (heavy things) but fortunately Im not on a time clock. Im hoping that if I keep moving, I'll never get so stiff I cant move at all. That's my plan. Hope it works.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

I voted "yes, I do it all myself", but really it's more like 95% or so. New electrical installs DH and I do ourselves (handy being married to an electrician!), we did our bathroom renovations ourselves, but when it came to laying the hardwood flooring, we DEFINITELY had to have someone do that for us. Otherwise, we DIO. ;) As for the outside; well, working at a nursery/garden center, I guess I had better be the one doing all that, huh? HA! =)

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

A double hernia and a torn abdominal muscle later and I hire out the heavy and hard stuff! Not that I didn't have fun while it lasted....

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh me oh my Terri, that makes me cringe just to read about it! I sure hope you're recovering ok. Yeah, I guess I'd hire out too, were I in your garden boots. Will you be able to return to the fun one day?

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh, I had surgery about seven years ago. Everything turned out well and I do most of my own lifting etc. There is a limit now, so I hire out for stone retaining walls and stuff like that. ☺

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I could list my ills , and my surgery's the last 10 years , But I'm not sure this thread page is long enough ,,lol,
I can't lift hardly a thing , some of my muscles never recovered , I will rarely move or lift a 50 pd , bag of something ,,
I did clean the faucet in the kitchen yesterday ., cleaned the grit , (old pipes ) clogged it so it was not working at all .. Dish sprayer , faucet , water filter , all working now ,,
Feels great to be successful and to wash your hands in the kitchen !!!LOL surprising really ..

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

My husband and I do everything ourselves, but most is fairly easy, no stone walls, etc. Since my gardens and plants are my personal obsession, I don't know how well I would handle someone else working in my gardens!

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

I do anything I am big enough to do,lol.
Although I did hire a friend to help me put my greenhouse together and to wire it for electricity. Mostly because I bought it in October and needed to get it done PDQ, to winter over my plants. But the small stuff I do most of.
There are some jobs that are better left to the professionals, so if I feel like I am not qualified ,I call somebody. It can save you money in the long run.

Charlotte, VT

I've got parts coming in the mail so that I can fix my dryer. I almost had it fixed this week, but it turned out that I had ordered parts for a hinge on the left side of the dryer door instead of the right. This is the only downside of doing things yourself. You aren't familiar enough with the projects to be speedy and get it right the first time. However, in the end you save yourself a ton of money. We all know what repair people charge now just to come to your door.

Lake Helen, FL

I do it myself, or I leave it undone. Once in a blue, someone gives me a hand.

Jim Falls, WI(Zone 4a)

Between my husband and I we get things done. With him doing the majority of the heavy stuff.. Oh we do bring in someone when it comes to electric or the outdoor wood stove.

Slowing down here also but working does not help the energy level for my gardens.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Quote from ves522 :

Slowing down here also but working does not help the energy level for my gardens.

Oh gosh, yes, working! I think we should all be able to get rid of the "having to work" thing so we can concentrate on our gardens! Let's push to get a law passed, ok? :)

Jim Falls, WI(Zone 4a)

That law sounds really good!

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

We almost always have to try to do it ourselves for the money if nothing else. Its kind fun to learn new things. We do not do plumbing tho. Lol.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Gardenlady, plumbing is actually one of the easier things to do, maybe you could give it a try? When we renovated our bathrooms, (excluding tub/shower), we did the plumbing ourselves with the sinks and toilets and it was actually pretty simple. If not for the weight of it, I think even I could install a toilet by myself. (but gosh those things are heavy!)
The key to the whole thing is: Make sure the water is turned off at the device before you start to work! ;)

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I was never a plumber ,, My grandfather was one ..
A few things (very few ) I can do when it comes to plumbing , patient when it comes to hooking up connections under sinks .
Install a toilet , a sink , clean a faucet . install sprayers ,, But when it comes to running pipe hoses , It does in my hoses ...

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

We my husband did replace a faucet. It tooks awhile but he did it am very proud of him. Did a little leaking at first but it is not dripping now. Happy.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

YAY Gardenlady's Husband!!!! < =D

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

I know!

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