Bubbler & Starting Fresh

Fort Worth, TX

This year we brought in roughly 30 cuttings, some named others from Dana really nice cuttings. TY again. It has taken 2years of letting go emotionally of the massive freeze & ensuing loss of a whole lot of Brugs & tropicals. Super excited about this growing season.

In the brug house we set up a small aquarium 2.5g with heater, air stone. Took pieces of styrofoam & punched holes, placed each individual cutting through its own hole. For added warmth added some black water rocks. The styro exceeds the width of the tank, this also allow for less heat loss while rooting. This is how we have rooted since around 2000 or so. My husband is going to bring in a load of compost YES!!
Just an excited girl here.

Long Beach, CA

That set up sounds wonderful. Can you post a picture? I did not have much luck with the bubbler so I would like to see how someone else gets it done!


Fort Worth, TX

i over exposed a few for better visual.

Thumbnail by cocobid Thumbnail by cocobid
Fort Worth, TX

& our Greenhouse Supervisor ~~~~~~~ She actually lives in the other GH she has quite the condo!!! It is so "Cat"

Thumbnail by cocobid Thumbnail by cocobid Thumbnail by cocobid
Long Beach, CA

Now that is clever! May try that. Was going to try it in my Aerogarden. And tell me how you keep the bad little kitty from attacking the vicious cuttings? LOL

Fabens, TX(Zone 8a)

Rhap, if you try this in your Aerogarden, let us know how it turns out. I have a couple of them and would be interested in knowing how they turn out.

Burnley, United Kingdom

This method of propagation in known as Aeroponics, in a more refined set up instead of the cuttings being sat in water, a small spray unit is used that sprays the cutting with water at a pre-set interval ( once a second for 15mins then off for 15mins,continuously or other preferred timings) these are very reasonably priced in the UK, a complete unit for 24 cuttings is approx. £50

Fort Worth, TX

Took these pics this morning. The smaller or greenwood cutting have roots also..but unfortunately my camera and I were not seeing eye to lens~~~ Another day for those.
..& that fierce kitty.. she just looks at the cuttings and thinks...future pots to curl up in!!! So Cat!!

Thumbnail by cocobid
Fabens, TX(Zone 8a)

Question please, when they have rooted well how hard is it to pull them through those holes without breaking a majority of the roots off?

Fort Worth, TX

Easy.. it is Styrofoam either enlarge the hole enough to push through or cut around it. Normally I'll just wait till they all are well along in the rooting process snip and remove. Very simple...
Also we add H2O2 and super thrive to the water mixture. Some change all the water every 2 days. I just change about 1/2 we just use the OTC H2O2 not food grade, but you can use it if you have it around. This little tank is 2.5G so about 3oz H2O2 and a few drops of ST.
Hope this helps...Karen

Fabens, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you, great information.

Long Beach, CA

Quote from Txtea :
Rhap, if you try this in your Aerogarden, let us know how it turns out. I have a couple of them and would be interested in knowing how they turn out.

Will do. I have some of the sponges. I intend to deepen the hole in the sponge and put the cuttings through the center. The Aerogarden unit has a almost continuous stream of water on the sponge but have a few setting that regulates how long the water is one. I will keep you posted!

Any help along the way would be great.

Fabens, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks, will be looking forward to see if this works.

Fort Worth, TX

The latest image. All Brugs are rooting. The 2 w/o roots are plumeria & red cloak. Brugs about to go in soil.

Thumbnail by cocobid
Fabens, TX(Zone 8a)


Long Beach, CA

Looking good!!

Fort Worth, TX

Yesterday several cuttings went into soil. Here is a pic of soft & hardwood cuttings. Dana the soft are yours! So anyone struggling or need storage methods this really does work... You might have noticed that leaves will sprout under water using this method w/o rotting as would normally happen in still water.

Thumbnail by cocobid Thumbnail by cocobid Thumbnail by cocobid

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