chilli fried chicken king

39999, Vietnam

Sweet dishes of chicken, taste of lemongrass , spicy taste of chili .
There are many ways of preparing chicken , such as salad chicken, fried fish sauce , ginger steamed chicken ... However, the day after New Year , to escape from feeling tired from the warehouse meat , boiled chicken ... you can still processing turn a chicken into other dishes , with strange mouth taste and attractive .


- You can optionally thighs , arms , or their chicken ...
- Lemon grass , garlic , chilli and little curry powder .


- Chicken washed, cut bite size pieces .

- Marinate chicken with garlic , minced peppers , less pepper , fish sauce , sugar , salt .

- Chicken marinated for 15 minutes to infuse spices .

- Lemon grass , garlic , minced chili .

- Preheat the pan , the less oil , sauté minced garlic fragrant , then stir-fry the marinated chicken to the hunters are .

- When chickens were hunting again , so you just minced lemongrass mixture , a little curry powder fried chicken cooked until golden brown , fragrant .

Chicken fried rice served with chilli hot , little more together and cucumber salad will give you an appetite than in the days after New Year , or in cold weather se .

Cut chicken pieces to taste , spices
Cut each chicken bite size pieces , marinated for 15 minutes to infuse .
Lemongrass , garlic , minced chili .
For chicken, lemongrass , chilli stir into the pan until cooked .
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