Israel Brugmansia Collectors?

Fort Worth, TX

I received a message from a gentleman that has recently discovered Brugs... & is absolutely smitten. He found me through FB. He in in radio / tv business. Does anyone here know of a collector over there? he wanted me to send him cuttings???way to many issues even trying???so I am sending some seeds, nothing special. We have all been where he is. I suggested looking into Germany where there are many collectors.
Any suggestions.
TY Karen

Long Beach, CA

I do not know anyone that far. I tried to look someone up on the BGI member map... nothing. Europe seems to be his best bet.

He could try Ebay in his country as well.

This message was edited Feb 10, 2014 5:11 AM

Fort Worth, TX

Thank You for checking around. Ebay Israel launches in 18 days. We take for granted or at least I did that most countries have it. This will open up a whole new world for him over time. Dana is sending some seeds & I'm sending some also. So at least he will have a start. I'll send him lots of links to help him have added success with sprouting. He is convinced that our climates are almost identical. He may be right?? Again TY Karen

Long Beach, CA

You are welcome. I could send so seeds as well. Tell me where to send them.

Fort Worth, TX

Thank you for offering!!! Let's see if he has any problems with customs etc. if so we can try a different route?? QQ do you think I should go ahead and nick the seed shell or try & remove from shell completely ? Just trying to make this a no brainier for him?..

Mulberry, FL

I am offering the best of the best now on ebay if anyones interested

Thumbnail by Danasplants Thumbnail by Danasplants Thumbnail by Danasplants
Long Beach, CA

I would leave the cork on the seeds so the embryo doesn't dry out totally. Not to mention he will need to get use to the seeds the way they are. I remember my first time peeling a seed... it slipped out of my hands a flew across the room! LOL I would not deny anyone their first seed peel... even if it is just for the laugh!


Long Beach, CA

cocobidHave you heard from the person you sent the seeds to? I would love to hear of his results with the seeds!!

Fort Worth, TX

NO..I chat with him all the time from what we understand... If they cleared customs it could take up to 5 weeks. Israel is very strict. All we can do is cross our fingers! He is so appreciative of your seeds... He is a member on FB the brug unite page. Great guy his name is Benny. I will update as we get info...again TY Karen

Fort Worth, TX

Quote from cocobid :
NO..I chat with him all the time from what we understand... If they cleared customs it could take up to 5 weeks. Israel is very strict. All we can do is cross our fingers! He is so appreciative of her seeds... He is a member on FB the brug unite page. Great guy his name is Benny. I will update as we get info...again TY Karen

Fort Worth, TX

He just posted on my time line.....they made it. The mail GODS ears must have been burning!!!!

Long Beach, CA

That is most excellent news. Maybe he can post some of his beauties here when the flower. I am happy for him.

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