New stapeliads

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

Another reason to love local nurseries besides the usual "shop local", etc. is their willingness to buy and/or trade with local hobbyists and growers. When I was looking for Burro Tail sedum yesterday, I already knew all the nurseries/garden departments near me didn't have any, so I was trying to think where else I might find it and remembered Harper's. I hadn't been to Harper's since last spring becuase I have 5 nurseries and plant departments within 3 miles of my house and Harper's is at least twice and far and in the opposite direction from all the others. If you saw my post yesterday, I didn't find the sedum I was after, but did find another sedum that suited my purpose. While looking for the sedum, the nursery guy also showed me some stapeliads, none of which had tags, but I bought one anyways as it didn't look like anything I already had. One the way to the register, we were talking and I asked if they ever bought any plants from locals, to which he replied, "Yes and/or trade.". Since there were still several stapeliads that there that needed to come home with me, this morning I packed up a Stapelia asterias, Huernia somalica, Orbea variegata, 2 rooted Orbea melanantha cuttings and 2 rooted Stapelia gigantea cuttings and went back to Harper's, where I got 3 unlabelled stapeliads in gallon pots. After repotting, I now have a 56' pot of each, plus multiple smaller pots that I can either sell or trade. The first picture is the 3 as I got them, then the repots, and the last is the one I bought yesterday. I'm fairly certain one is a Stapelia and the others are Huernias or Orbeas, although one looks like it may be a Hoodia; any insights would be appreciated.

Thumbnail by frogymon Thumbnail by frogymon Thumbnail by frogymon Thumbnail by frogymon Thumbnail by frogymon
Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Great to hear that and awesome plants! I have been meaning to go by some of the nearby nurseries to see if they want some free A. weberi pups (or give me some store credit for them) as my large plants just keep offsetting.

This message was edited Feb 5, 2014 2:16 PM

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

Try Whitfill on Guadalupe/Cooper, Treeland on AZ Ave south of Guadalupe and Harper's on McKellips west of Gilbert, as they're all locally owned.

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Thanks, will do.

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

Let me know how it turns out. I know it's a bit farther, but Baker's on 40th north of Thomas buys locally, as they will be buying some of my stapeliad cuttings this Spring.

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

I have just been to Baker's (a couple of weeks ago), I can drop a lot of cash there… oh, I just did ;)

I have several large Agave weberis that just keep producing offsets and pups… friends and acquaintances are sick and tired of me trying to push another few pups on them, and I hate to throw them away, but they have to come out otherwise the front yard will be nothing but weberis and palo verdes.

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

I know what you mean about Baker's. They carry stuff I can't find anywhere else locally and because of that, they can be a bit pricey, but I can't stop myself.

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

Just got these today from Mesa Gardens: Piaranthu comptus; Tromotric engleriana; Duvalia radiata

Thumbnail by frogymon Thumbnail by frogymon Thumbnail by frogymon
Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

Final three: Huerniops decipiens; Duvalia modesto; Huernia plowsii x zebrina

Thumbnail by frogymon Thumbnail by frogymon Thumbnail by frogymon
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Nice stapeliad trade. :)

Effingham, SC(Zone 8a)

Moved north a year and a half ago and re-aquainting myself with the indoor plants I grew in HS and college. Stapeliads are on my radar. Used to have several, as well as haworthias. Now need to look for sources. I see that some that I once new as Stapeliads can be Duvalia, Huernia, etc. When you root cuttings, are you using sand, soil ?

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I'm using a fast-draining soil like Cactus and Succulent Mix.

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

FL stu, I use a mix of 40/30/30 by volume of compost/sand/vermiculite and have had great success. As for sources, I've purchased from boht and There is some overlap in species and prices are comparable, however, the one from Miles tend to be larger. Both send their plants barerooted and I just received an order of 13 new species from Miles that I potted up last night.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Oops sorry, I thought you were talking to me.

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

Cville, I'm always willing to talk to you.

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

Bought another 13, this time from Miles2Go:

Rhytidocaulon macrolobum ssp macrolobum; Huernia macrocarpa ssp concinna; Huernia keniensis; Orbea chrysostephana; Caralluma foetida

Thumbnail by frogymon Thumbnail by frogymon Thumbnail by frogymon Thumbnail by frogymon Thumbnail by frogymon
Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

Orbea wissmanni ssp eremastrum; Baynesia lophophora; Huernia oculata; Duvalia sulcata ssp. seminuda; Stapelianthus madagascariensis

Thumbnail by frogymon Thumbnail by frogymon Thumbnail by frogymon Thumbnail by frogymon Thumbnail by frogymon
Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

Echinopsis cereiformis; Caralluma schweinfurthii; Duvalia angustiloba

Thumbnail by frogymon Thumbnail by frogymon Thumbnail by frogymon
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Those are all great. Some are new to me like Rhytidocaulon and Baynesia.

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

Those are both new genuses for me too, and last night I noticed the Rhytidocaulon had seed pods after one started to open. I'm doing a germination test too make sure the seeds are viable, and if they are, I estimate I'll have around 100 seeds.

Effingham, SC(Zone 8a)

Cville, I accept advice from any and all.

Frogy, thanks for the tips and vendors.

Anyone - there are some seeds that are available on Ebay. Thinking of trying them (maybe 10). Are you sowing them in the cactus medium too? I just bought some builders sand for a project and thought of trying to use it for rooting African Violet leaves. Thought about it to sprout the seeds as well.

Effingham, SC(Zone 8a)

Frogy.... thanks for your advice. Ordered from Miles2Go and received them today. THe plants are larger than I though and a couple have buds. He even lowered the shipping cost he charge due to the box being light. I'm starting with five that I thought had interesting florals and good plant presence. The tags are pictured as well.

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Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

Miles consistently has better sized plants than Mesa Garden. I'll be putting in my next order within the 2-3 weeks. You picked out a couple I don't have yet.

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

Baynesia lophophora; the flower is only about 1/4" across and droops down, so I almost didn't see it.

Thumbnail by frogymon
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

What a tiny flower! That is so interesting. How tall is the B. lophophora itself?

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

Cville, the tallest section is only 3", the rest are 2". Since this is a relatively new acquisition, I'm not sure how tall it will get.

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

Rhytidocaulon macrolobum ssp. macrolobum; when I got this, it had seed pods and now it's decided to bloom again. There's going to be at least one more and 7-8 others that I'm not sure about.

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Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I'm a nut about asclepiads and have put together a list which I will order in the spring.

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