The place to be...

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a) this frigid weather is the warm side of a tree.

Thumbnail by Pseudo
Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Ah yes, but upside down?

I guess he's got to work the tan from all angles ;P

This message was edited Feb 5, 2014 10:28 AM

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Pseudo's image reminded me of the brittle day I spent walking around the UC-Davis Arboretum back in December 2009.

They were experiencing some unusual low temperatures (around 32F), which freaked everyone out and had water pipes bursting in their ceilings.

This guy was acting just like he was in Eau Claire - 'cept he was on the side of a palm tree.

Thumbnail by ViburnumValley
Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh my what's that in his mouth? It looks like a doggie diamond...

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

Hmmm... I'd prefer to believe it's a stogie.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Yeah I suppose that's more likely. LOL

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

I think it's part of the palm...

Thumbnail by ViburnumValley
Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Haha...yes I have the mind of a 15 year old...

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

Quote from ViburnumValley :
I think it's part of the palm...

As in finger? Decaisnea fargesii?

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Yes! George Washingtonia's, in fact...

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Or maybe one belonging to River Phoenix...

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

Finger food...

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)


Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

What Pseudo is referring to...

Thumbnail by ViburnumValley
Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

That's it! I bet you're the life of the party with that one. :)

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

So I'm not really getting the underlying joke...Is VV really missing a finger? Or is that some trick?

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

No trick there - and it's not missing.

Even been around the block a few times:

Maybe needs some moisturing cream...

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)


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