What's happening in your neck of the woods - Feb 14

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Starting a new thread - not because the other is too long, but because it's been going for 3 months. At the start of the second month of the new year seems to be an appropriate time to start a new one. Winter will still be around for a few months, but we start to get hope this time time of year.

To return to the previous thread, please go to: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1340140/

Thumbnail by ViolaAnn

hey - I'm first? cool.......

We haven't heard from Home Depot yet.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all,

Thank you Ann for moving us over..appreciate it

Did go back to your links
I'm envious of your musical talent and that of the others. Does take up a lot of your time,
But so worthwhile

Yep, ground hog day today, think we all know the outcome of Wiarton Willie's outing today.
Snowed most of the day but with no winds was manageable.

Susan, you will be pleased to have the results back from all those tests, you both must be worried. How is your mom dong?

"M" you are the last of the big time gamblers, here is hoping you win...what would you do with your winnings. Lol

Just finishing coffee then must clean off vehicles so I can move them when Andrew gets here to plow.

Mom is coming for the day and likely will stay till tomorrow..wants shams made for her quilt I made her for Christmas, hmm not even sure I have enough left over fabric..we'll see

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Thank you for moving us over Ann ^_^
I will remain on the chemo medication for at least another year :-(
I do now tend to 'plan my weekends' more carefully as even though my 'bad day was Saturday, the day after I took the methotrexate, I tend to have some 'bumps on the road' on Sunday now too.

I haven't heard whether or not 'the rodent' saw his shadow or nor .. all I know is that it is GLORIOUSLY warmer here .. -4C and so sunny, came home from the gym and was able to play outside with the dogs for close to half an hour .. then I found out Gordon had also walked them, so, they're sufficiently exercised !!

LAST of the big tim gamblers here Betty .. $2. on the Sea Hawks to win .. and I don't even watch football, but, Lorna's Dad and I have a friendly competition going on.
He isn't feeling all that well, and, the diversion makes him happy.
I doubt we'll even watch the game.

Guess I should go and putz with the ham before I slip it in the oven ..

Take care all


Victoria Harbour, ON

Not trusting our groundhog, news says they've only been 37% right over the years, I think we are in for a terrible two months ahead of

"M" sorry to hear your meds get you so down, guess the alternative of not taking them isn't much better.

Tired, was up before dawn, got shovelling done, breakfast out of the way thinking mom would visit then downstairs and started her pillows hams, she wanted a set that matched the quilt I made her for Christmas then she calls and says she decided to stay at her brother's and not come but would meet me in Barrie tomorrow to pick them up grrrr. Just finished them and the other pieces she gave me that needed work on...no wnder I'm tired.

Think I'll take some meds, have a nap and then go clean up the sewing room, what a mess I can make.


This is my Mom's "yes, I'd love to have had a beer" smile lol
My niece Kathy (Alice's daughter) suggested that her grandma would have loved to have had a beer with the big steak dinner that Ruth (my other sister) brought. Mom enjoyed the steak very much.

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B
Victoria Harbour, ON

Bet it did your heart well Susan seeing how well she is now doing!
Where did they manage to send her now that the family gave up her room, is it in special care at the hospital..

Now to get Bob's results.

Nice to see its not snowing this morning

Underdogs won didn't they "M" and are you now the winner of the big $2
Think I'd be asking him to send your wins by special post. Lol

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Lorna had the 2 teams MIXED up, I went to bed, she told me this morning that DENVER had one, I was aghast!
Turned on the computer, here she had the COLOURS wrong hahaha
Needless to say this will put her Dad into a 'funk'. Even at 85 he's very competitve.
Ahh well .. I'd rather he put the TOONIE into a coin box at a Timmies ..

Love the pic Susan, nice she was able to eat the steak dinner .. would likely have been nice with a cold beer ..

Get this ... The BIRDS were chirping at about 7:40am .. made me have a FLASH of spring ^_^

Off to the gym later this morning .. Gordon has a slowcooker full of chili on the make, so, no worries re supper.

Hope everyone has a stellar week


Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Thanks for moving us over Ann you are one multi talented Lady!
"M" hope the drugs ease up for you and it get's easier to manage.
"B" I hear your frustration.
Susan super to hear your Mom is doing so well.
We had some great weather and a ton of snow melted but now I am very grateful for the heated seats I treated my self to last fall.
Even our block bunny seems to be running out of exposed food. was going to get some hay in from the farm for them this week. They are almost like pets in my neighborhood.
Got my Begonia's out of the cupboard in the basment yesterday and one is trying to grow already. Best get the lights out and get the fan a blowing or they will be very weak.
Happy Feb to you all.
Alberta Ann


The "big" steak dinner was apparently a few pieces of tenderloin, ground up with some gravy. Not as pureed as the hospital, but not solid either.
She's in the hospital, in a "step down" ward - less care needed. Still has the "hospital infection" so visitors still need to gown & glove before seeing her. I still don't know what her prognosis is, for length of life, but it seems the hospital doesn't know either. I won't pretend to be pleased with my 'lack of knowledge' but..... the Lord's Will Be Done, whatever the outcome.
At 94, she's doing pretty well :-)

Had some wonderful news re: Bob's truck. We've been paying $690+ per month on the loan, but with both of us out of work and the truck not working, it was tough to make the payments. The truck stopped working about Nov/2011 (it's why Bob stopped being able to work for the construction co).
Well, the Loan co said if we could sell the truck they'd agree on a "buyout" of $4k. They didn't want to repossess a non-working truck. I put it on Kijiji last night, for $5k and got about 8 responses - everyone wanted to buy it lol Even with repairs ($375 for the part and whatever the labour costs would be) it was a STEAL. The truck is worth $12 at least. We just wanted this settled by Wed, which is when the loan company said we had until, to sell it and let them know.
Still getting queries on it lol Anyway, guy came by today, put $200 down and we're waiting for him to make the payment to the Loan co, and the balance to us ($800), so now..... no more worrying about $690/month!! yaaaaaaaaay!! That's one "monkey" off our back!!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

ABAnn - doesn't take much talent to do the starts. I've just come off doing the DAILY starts for the Coffee and ... thread (Parking Lot) for the entire month of January. BTW, your hosta seeds are in the mail. Anyone else want any? I've got a list of what's available over on the Hosta forum.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Susan, that's GREAT news re the truck, as you say, 'monkey off your back'.

ViolaAnn, would say YES to some Hosta seeds, but, am very wary of our 'bunny problem'. Last year was fine as I placed a 'Hootie Owl' in my Hosta bed. It would light up and HOOT if anything came into the garden .. it worked very well, but, I'm kind of nervous still .. I can't shake the feeling I had in the pit of my stomach when I glanced over at the garden in 2012 and every single Hosta was nothing but a nubbin :-(

Back into the winter cold here today ... -25C
Will be off to the gym and then a quick shop .. no gym tomorrow .. having dinner with the 'grade 12 girls' so, it'll be a late evening.

Take care everyone


Victoria Harbour, ON

Ann, I've never started a hosta from seed..long process?

Haven't seen bunnies "M" since I lived on the farm..lordy they loved my gardens

-15 here, think the storm will pass us by..amazing, Suzanne looks at her weather network and I look at mine and both tell a different story lol guess we'll wake in the a.m. and see what is happening.

working on a xmas tree skirt today..trying to get what I need in the line of sewing done, take advantage of fabric sales..worked well last year having 3 months of winter sewing behind me!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Starting hostas from seed can be fun, but it's important to remember that the vast majority will be plain Jane greenies. So they might be ideal for bunny feed. They will change a lot in the first 3-4 years and may bear little or no resemblance to the original seedling by the time they mature; so yes, it can be a long-term project. But if you've got some space where you think some plain green hostas would fit the bill, they can fill in quite nicely and once in awhile you get a real nice surprise in the seedlings. While most will be solid green, they CAN sport to being a streaked plant. And they can show such traits as red leaf petioles, and yellow or blue leaves. Sometimes frilly leaves too. But they are unlikely to resemble the parent plants.

Victoria Harbour, ON

I'd gladly send you postage Ann for seeds..as I'm not a collector of specialty hosta's plane Janes would fit the bill.

Imagine us talking gardening. Lol

Storm seems to have veered off course and will miss us..oh happy days

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Thanks Ann Will look for them and get them started inside like last time. That seemed to work well for me. Thank you
Alberta Ann , the other one :)

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Will, bow out, with reluctance this year, until I find out how the Owl thingy works this year.

Lorna's parents are really getting SOCKED with snow, can't even see the houses across the road! Doubtless her MOTHER (85) will go out and start shoveling!! The fellow across the street uses his snowblower, but, she feels she just HAS to get out there and do some .. worries all of us, but, not her .. frustrating !!

Off to dinner with 'the garde 12 girls' tonight, going to the KEG .. best bring lotsa money, good thing I don't drink, but, sparkling water is now approx $3./bottle, or more, depending on where you order it.

Hope everyone is well and warm


Victoria Harbour, ON

they are indeed getting a storm..it's made it's way to Barrie but likely not as bad as Toronto.
Office in Toronto is closed for safety of Jim and Bryan. Hate to think of Lorna's mom out shovelling at her age, mom said she was doing same and she is 83.
Lordy, takes all the energy I have to shovel so can't imagine them doing it at their age.
God bless them for trying!

Enjoy your night out with the gals "M", here is hoping not snowing in your neck of the woods.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Bright brilliant sun here all day, but, frigid temps .. nary a snow flake to be seen ..

I have forgotten to ask about 4 times now ... ViolaAnn, is that a HolyHock (sp) in the thumbnail for the new thread?
When we first moved into this home, it was April, May came and the front of the house was getting full and direct sun as it faces south.
Pretty soon ?something? started to poke through the earth, and it grew and grew .. my Mom said it was a HollyHock .. well .. I had scads of them .. beautiful peachy pink ones .. then the next year .. nadda, nothing, gone, I thought I had done something wrong!
Year 3 comes along, I am about to rototil under that garden, and, what do I see .. yep, the HollyHocks again .. I kept them for about 10 years, then replaced them with a tulip bed, gave the seeds away though ..

Have had my shower, am now waiting to do my hair and makeup, if I showed up looking 'as is' they'd all faint LoL

Ordered a new printer from Dell today (online), they sell Canon now, am hoping I can figure out this wireless stuff, sure would be nice !!

Take care


PS .. some days I pop on here fully expecting to see a post from 'Fancyvan' .. miss Carol ..


ah Marilyn... as to missing Carol - I really do. Still have her pic on my computer, with her winning Peonies!
Here's a "flashback" for you.

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B
Victoria Harbour, ON

She was such a lovely lady!! Lord takes the good ones right to tend his gardens.

No snow here, few inches in Barrie, over a foot in areas of the city. Mrita just emailed me, said she had shovelled for about 2 hrs, and it was still snowing..told her the heavy fall of now has been following her around.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Home from a splendiferous dinner with 'chums' ..
Holy cow is the Keg expensive or what !!!
Food was good, I had salmon in some kind of sauce .. and veggies, which were everso yummy!
Many pics of grandkids were shared, one of the girls just became Gramma to a set of twin girls .. Harper and Findley .. good thing it wasn't Harper and Trudeau LoL
8 of the 10 of us are headed south soon, 3 are already there and had emailed hellos to all our phones .. all in all a very nice evening.
Home in time to catch 'Corrie" .. storyline is intense right now ..



Victoria Harbour, ON

We're you wishing you were heading south as well "M"?
I think I've been to the keg but twice, I don't enjoy a meal that cost a days wages.

Is it spring yet?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

We 'dabbled' with thoughts of going south .. but, the dogs won out.
One place we were offered would have allowed the dogs, but, we waited too long to speak up, the only time left is April, to me, that's when you come back .. it was in Harlingen TX.
Maybe next year.

I agree with the cost for a meal Betty .. good thing it's a once in a while proposition!

Off to the gym today .. ANOTHER funeral for me tomorrow .. this is a cousin .. have had far too many to attend this year !!

Off n running into this gorgeous sunny, but cool, day.


Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi Ladies
Keg is a treat for me too.
Miss Carol here too and now each spring I get to remember her by the Dandy Dan in my yard.
It was beautiful last year and I'm expecting it will be amazing this year too.
Alberta Ann


one of Carol's yellow lilies was brought to me by Joanne, here in Calgary, but unfortunately it did not survive....... BUT, I got a peony that was a fav of hers, I believe - Candy Cane, I think?!

~M~ - have been taping Corrie - need to get watching my tapings! Want to know how Haley is....... and poor Roy!

We got a gift cert for Christmas, to Montana's and want to use it, f'sure! Haven't been to The Keg for years - the ones we went to were so busy, and so noisy!

Bob got a callback on a job he interviewed for on Tuesday. They don't want to offer him the caretaker position, but DO want to talk to him about a Warehouse position. Interview is in just under an hour....... I'll let you know.
I have an interview tomorrow morning.....! With Telus

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Susan, enjoy your taped programs .. you really do need to watch right now ..
Good luck to you and Bob on your job searches/interviews

Ann, is the Dandy Dan a Peony? Lucky you and Susan .. if you ever 'split them' count me in !

Have been watching the figure skating from Sochi, Canada is doing very well today ^_^

Best get a mosey on, kitchen won't tidy itself ..


Victoria Harbour, ON

Checking in to see if any news on bob getting a job..legs, rms , fingers and toes are hurting as they've been crossed far too long!

Sorry bout yet another loss "M"

Ann, what kind of plant/shrub is dandy Dan..ohh bet a peony

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

HI "B" Yes Dandy Dan is a Peony. Somewhere on here I have a Photo of it I will see if I can find it. Joannabanana was instrumental in me getting a beautiful big piece.
Susan Will look forward to hearing good news.
Alberta Ann

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I remain, as before, re the Dandy Dan ..

BUSY day .. just wonder if the weekend will be the same?
Would love a weekend of NO adventures.~

Susan ,, I hope you are celebrating, and, if not, that you are pushing forward ..

Chemo evening, yuk!!


Victoria Harbour, ON

She had some of the loveliest peonies I've ever seen. Would love to find a tree peony this yer and plant it in my garden in her memory. Few areas they've finally grown so can take a chance seeing as they are so expensive.

"M" Don't envy you those meds..
Aside from cold e had no snow, hoping same for the weekend, all this shovelling had done me in.

Thought I had gotten rid of headaches but it's back with a vengeance so off to find meds then I'll cozy myself up in bed. Ive made one heck of a mess in the craftroom but it can wait until tomorrow for cleanup.


Bob got the job - starts Monday. Went today to sign his "starting new job" paperwork lol

I had an interview this am - @ Telus - Internet/phone/tv provider. They were looking for door-to-door salespeople. When I said I couldn't do this re: my knee, they said there are Loyalty Program positions open - a couple of them - and will pass my resume/references and his interview notes to the manager of that department. I'll hear next week, and if so, will get a phone interview as 2nd step. 3rd step would be hiring/training.

We went out for dinner, to celebrate - used the gift certificate that my daughter gave us for Christmas. Went to Montana's steak house, and had the 1/4 Chicken dinner.... yummmmmm!!!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Great news Susan on all accounts!
Made a vow that I'd sleep in at least until after 7:30am this morning, phone rang at 5, wrong number so guess who couldn't go back to sleep..oh well, have things to do this a.m. So played with sewing for a bit..wish stores were open BEFORE 7 a.m. Lol. Half my day is done by then

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Awesome news re Bob Susan .. and I am hoping your turn will come too.

Slow day here .. took the chemo drug last night, so, am tired ..

Lorna's Aunt June in South Hampton has US looking for a good back surgeon for her .. she doesn't want to go into Toronto .. well .. we found a few .. seems her doctor isn't being as QUICK as she likes, so , he told her if she could find a surgeon, he's refer her .. I guess she doesn't feel there should be waiting lists'.
We've told her time and again she will not walk in and get a surgery date for the next day !
Pain makes people change, I can attest to that ..

Off to lay down for a bit, made myself a cup of coffee, poured in the half n half and, dang me, it was SOUR .. 4 days BEFORE the expiry date :-(
SIGH .. I do believe we chose the right day to celebrate Lilly's BDay .. can't believe she's SEVEN already.
Having Chinese food and have a 'puppy cake' ordered for her .
OH .. ONE DAY service , again, from Dell .. got my new Canon printer yesterday at noon, and had it set up by 1pm .. wireless .. still has a cord, but just ONE not TWO.
Haven't really printed off anything but a test page yet ..

Off I go


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Great news, Susan. Here's hoping the opportunity for you works out as well.

Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" that will be quite the expensive surgery and if, let us hope not BUT should something happen that requires longer stay in hospital she might lose everything!

Don't have cake but just finished making lemon merangue pie so will have a slice to celebrate Lily's birthday.

Headache again, going for a short nap!


yup, my time will come..... a good job, please Lord!!
Bob's is a permanent position - 6 to 6 1/2 hrs/day

Take care of that headache, Betty

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Re Lorna's Auntie .. we are searching the computer for orthopedic surgeons down EAST for her, not up here. We have at least 8 good orthopedic surgeons, but, she wants to stay down east. As it turns out, she does have a date for surgery in London in June .. but, she wants to try other docs to see if it can be done quicker.
The only way my wait went from 2 months to 3 weeks was having my family doctor speak one on one with the orthopedic surgeon and explain my situation, for that I will be forever grateful to him.
So far we have 6 surgeons for her to call .. and .. all we can do is wish her the best of luck.

Lilly's BDay party was fun, very astute dog this one .. I of course have pics, but haven't taken them from the camera yet ..
Yesterday was an awful day for me with constant nausea .. I forced myself out of bed at supper time to enjoy the shenanaigans ... lord but does that drug I take Fridays knock me for a loop !!
Better today though, just a mild headache .. likely heading for the gym in a bit with Lorna ..

Hope your headache is gone Betty ....

Best get a move on


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Hi , again ^_^

ViolaAnn .. is that flower in the first post a HollyHock?

Been a day .. the gym was good, as was Timmies and a trip to Shoppers .

Downloaded pics of our Lilly's 7th Bday yesterday, sharing some ..

Supper is almost done, should get on it ..


Thumbnail by MarilynneS Thumbnail by MarilynneS Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I finally renewed my membership! Hello everyone.


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