How does hot weather affect the flavor of Sungold?

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Probably only if they were Stungild! I usually proof read but just didn't catch that one. Made me laugh out loud which drew peculiar looks here at work.

Anyway, hope all the Sungolds turn out well for this year, heat or no heat. ☺

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I liked it better when my electronics just let me misspell things instead of thinking they know what Im trying to say. I had a male friend text me that he was eating peanuts but that's not what was sent. His phone turned peanuts into another word. Lol Needless to say I was shocked and he was embarrassed...good thing I'm not easily offended but still...

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

LOL, yuh gotta be careful these days.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Linda, how are your Sungold tomatoes this year? I always plant Sun Sugars, but this year I was in the hospital and rehab for most of the seed/seedling season so my tomatoes had a very rough start and I lost the seedlings for those.

Our temps are so unusually hot this year and I have quite a few tomatoes on the plants, but none are even trying to ripen.They are in the hot sun about 2 or 3 hours a day and then it is just plain hot the rest of the time.

Was really anxious to see how my Linda Faux did and it started out probably the strongest, sturdiest stalk of any of my tomato plants, and big potato leaves, but not a tomato on it. All the rest of my plants have lots of tomatoes. All have been treated the same. Any clue?

Vista, CA

We grow Sungolds this year for first time .
We are growing the best producing SG vine on top of a hill 7 miles from pacific coast where 300 days the hill is getting sea breeze from NW. North San Diego County.

Two other SG vines produce less 10%+/- less fruit than the one at th top of the hill.

The hill plant is in a 50% larger container and receives 20% more direct sun. It is growing on 7' bamboo trellis.

FRUIT IS ONE OF THE BEST "Grape" Cherry Heirlooms we have grown. Like all other Cherry Heirlooms it is not bothered by insects, birds, rodent, squirrels or rabbits and No blight.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

The Sungolds both in the large pots and the square foot gardens have been prolific this year. Some I started from seed and two I purchased as starts from the nursery. This year was a good year, since we had no late snowfalls.

Most of the time in spring it warms up early, then it cools off for about a month...with rain or snow. Well, come to think of it, we did get hail, but then it warmed up soon after. I didn't know what to expect. I rushed to.cover them quickly. It all worked out OK in the end with 20 bushes total. There are/were fruit on all of them. In years past I did not succeed as well.

Thumbnail by evelyn_inthegarden
Hutto, TX(Zone 8b)


Don't save seeds from your Sungold. It isn't an heirloom or open pollinated, so the seeds won't come true. It is actually a hybrid made from crossing two or more parents. It is delicious, though.

David R

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

David is right. How are you doing David? Good I hope.

I think with the SGs like all tomatoes, a lot depends on the weather and placement. We had such a cold June, and then almost 100 degrees all of July, and into August. The plants just don't do much in that heat. So, once again, I have only one ripe cherry tomato and here we are, on Labor Day weekend. Tough to deal with.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Jen - So sorry that your Sungolds did so poorly this year. Weather is just something we cannot control. It just boils down to the weather
We try so hard and then hope for the best.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Sorry to mislead you Evelyn. I Didn't grow Sungolds. i normally grow Sun Sugars if I want a sweet cherry tomato. But, this year Bob didn't want a sweet one. So I grew Baby Cakes instead. It is more of a tart, salty one. not really salty tho. Anyway, it only had one ripe one on it and the skin was rather tough. Now, i think that is caused by the weather. Oh well, another year.

I shouldn't say I didn't grow any sweet ones. i did plant a couple of Sun Sugars but between my seedlings hospital stays, and rehab, those just didn't make it. jen

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

The only negative effect that the hot weather has had on the Sungolds is many more ripen quicker and they split, so I have to eat them quickly. If I wait too long, they are already fermenting. I am surprised that there are not butterflies on them.

Mantua, UT(Zone 4b)

The jury is in on my 2014 Sungolds. They have been wonderful. Last year's lack of taste must have been something to do with weather--unusually hot and windy.

I know all the seeds come from the same place, but this year I planted the seeds I got last year and some I bought this year--and one I bought from a nursery. All of them tasted the same and were very good.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Linda, I agree. It has been a great year for tomatoes. I have been giving them away like crazy.

Of course most of the Sungolds rarely get to the house. :-)

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I'm glad you all had a good year. I have only had a half dozen little cherry tomatoes and that is it. We had freezes the last 2 nights. Don't know how the tomatoes did, the begonias look good. The tuberous ones. Normally those are the first to go. So, we'll see how the tomatoes are later.

Well, you and I both thought the weather had a lot to do with the flavor of the tomatoes Linda.

OH, BTW, I only had one tomato on my Linda Faux. Beautiful plant, but that was it. No, it did not ripen either.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Jen ~ When we move to Oregon or Washington, I probably won't even attempt tomatoes. This was the last year and only one facet of my garden. At least something went right.

Years ago, when I grew tomatoes here nothing went right...especially the weather, from late spring snowfalls after the weather was already warm, and early fall snow while the tomatoes were not even ripe. The weather has changed dramatically here.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Well Evelyn, my sister in Spokane has a beautiful garden every year, and this year she has been giving boxes of tomatoes to all her kids and anyone who wants them. They have all canned salsa, tomatoes, sauces, juices, etc. But, you see she has a garden that is open to the sun, no trees blocking it, she has been improving her soil for the last 20 or more years with kitchen compost, etc. You name it, it is in her garden. She has peppers, corn, potatoes, and anything else she wants to plant besides the tomatoes every year.

Now my garden has a beautiful crop of trees. Everywhere. Big difference in temperature even. My son in law, says that when you reach a certain area about 15 miles south of us, the temperature drops 10 degrees. In the summer, he says you can just feel it.

So, I guess you can't have everything. jen

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