How does hot weather affect the flavor of Sungold?

Mantua, UT(Zone 4b)

Thanks. I'll take a deep breath and maybe a tranquilizer and call on Monday!! TeeHee

TGS is Tomato Grower's Supply.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Yes, start your day with them before getting stressed on anything else. Don't drink that extra cup of coffee. You don't need that. Put a smile in your voice, just to discuss it. :0)=

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

I guess I also have "Post-a-phobia" because--well just because. I'm sure most of you know you can't tell someone's "tone of type" and making assumptions is easy to do depending on your own feelings at the time and also depending on the responder's history on other threads.


Hmmm, I wonder who that could be?

Linda, I hope you've noticed that other than this post I've stopped posting in this thread.

As for other threads here I just assumed that most of the time I was trying to help others, but I don 't need to do that either..


This message was edited Feb 15, 2014 6:14 PM

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Carolyn, We all know how much help you are to everyone. And yes, I noticed that and I am sorry if we hurt your feelings in any way. And that is the problem with emails, and these threads. There is no way of even trying to read the tone of another one's voice here. Everything sounds the the same.

Not you nor any one of us can do that. But, we all have our own ideas, and that is what we thought this site was for. Sharing and listening to each other to come up with answers. I personally do not think it is cut and dried about anyone plant as to how they react to a lot of things. The ones that have been mentioned here. i.e. soil, yes area, weather, you might even include latitudes and zones.

That is just my opinion and tho I do not have a degree in tomato culture, I think I have lived long enough to have a little knowledge of the issue. For myself anyway. If that bothers you I am sorry.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Linda, just call them (they aren't going to know who you are) and explain the issue. If there was a possible problem with a product I sold I would want to know.

I had a problem a couple of years ago with seeds not coming true or germinating....when I called they were glad bc they had changed growers and had, had a few other "complaints". If you don't tell them they will never know, and it doesn't sound like you are the only one that noticed a difference.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, I since Linda was brave enough to mention who she had problems with I guess I should as well. My problem was with Baker Seeds. I did go to Garden Watch Dog. Did get private and public backlash about it. It was one of my first posts on Dave's, and I had been on other forums (both professional and personal in nature) so I don't really think I did or said anything wrong. It took me another three or four months of lurking to decided that I was getting so much good information as opposed to the emotional stuff that I would post again. These things just happen but I've "met" so many cool people here that I've really mostly forgotten about it.

Linda, I used to have phone-a-phobia but some years ago I got a job that required a lot of telephone contact with others. I used to sweat and stutter and just plain sounded like a kid on the phone! Not only did I really need the job but it was nearly my dream job. So I decided to do some research to see what I could do to help myself. I found an article in which the author listed out methods to help folks like us get over phone jitters. The method that worked for me was to write out what I wanted to say. It doesn't need to be word for word. Just the main points you need to remember to get said. Don't hang up until you've said what you've written out. Also, if the conversation gets off track and you don't get the information you need, call back and ask for someone else. All of this really helped me.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

terri. that is TERRIBLE!! Should not be. Everyone should have the right to post problems with a company on Watchdog. If you had the problem then it could be a problem for everybody doing business with that company. I have never heard of them. What was the issue? That is if you want to post it.

Never mind, I will go to WD and read it.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

terri. that is TERRIBLE!! Should not be. Everyone should have the right to post problems with a company on Watchdog. If you had the problem then it could be a problem for everybody doing business with that company. I have never heard of them. What was the issue? That is if you want to post it.

Never mind, I will go to WD and read it.

I went there and they couldn't find Baker Seeds.

Was it Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, or something like that?

Mantua, UT(Zone 4b)

I called Johnny's today and they have not had anyone else complain about problems with Sungold seeds last year.

I will proceed with my plan to plant the Totally Tomatoes seeds and a few of the Johnny's. They didn't offer new seeds and I didn't ask. I am not out to take advantage of someone's good will toward a customer. I just don't want to plant 50 seeds and have the same results I had last year.

I remember someone complaining about Tomato Grower's Supply on DG and getting a lot of backlash. I ordered a fairly heavy book that was sent in a VERY thin envelope--so thin that when it arrived there was no book in it. I will say that they replaced the book in a more appropriate envelope. I have received seeds that did not have the number of seeds advertised. I ordered a couple of new varieties that were on back order and they were never sent to me. I finally contacted them when it was time to plant and they finally sent the seeds.
I just don't even look at their offerings anymore. No, I didn't complain on Watch Dog because I have noticed what terri has mentioned.

Terri has had problems with Baker Creek Heriloom Seeds ( and I haven't had problems with them at all. We all have different experiences.

I appreciate everyone's input on this subject!

This message was edited Feb 17, 2014 12:09 PM

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh, you are correct, Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. It has been a long time ago--at least for me anyway. I had nearly forgotten about them. ☺

Jnette, I in no way take any of the comments personally. It was a while ago and I was a newbie. I prefer to look at the folks on Dave's as great friends whose advice it usually much better than anything I can provide!

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

terri, I think experience, both yours and mine, and everyone elses, is a better teacher sometimes than other ways. There is nothing wrong with sharing those experiences. Good or bad. I think we need that. And what works for one, may not work for others. No black and white rules in gardening. Even with fertilizers. That is why they say to test your soils. You can usually adjust that, but not much you can do about the weather, like sun or rain. temperatures can be helped sometimes.

Anyway, enough. But, that is what Watchdog is for too. Letting people know experiences with growers, good and bad. specially good sometimes. An atta boy goes a long way for growers as well as people.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Have been lurking around this thread, and did make a comment earlier. But I had a funny feeling that it might be TGS you were talking about. I had a bad experience a few years back with none of the seeds from a couple of varieties germinating. I did call them about it but they didn't do anything. I didn't do anything differently and the other seeds did just fine that year. Ordered the same variety (an heirloom) the next year and they were great. So I don't know if they repackaged seeds from the previous year or it was just bad. Who knows? I still order from them, but if it ever happens again, I am going to insist on a refund or some other recourse.

Mantua, UT(Zone 4b)

I talked to someone who did not get plants or seeds from me last year. She bought seeds from another company. She said the flavor was disappointing compared to the Sungolds I used to share with people at work.

Must be the weather--hot and very windy.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Well, I'm calling or e-mailing TGS this week. None of my pepper seeds have done anything. I received all my seeds a couple of days after posting on Feb 18th, planted on Feb 20th and have had them on a heat mat and under a grow light ever since. The tomato plants are so-so but only about 2/3 of them have sprouted. None, not one, of the pepper seeds have sprouted. I planted two types of hot peppers (a jalapeno and a jalafuego, two types of bell peppers and a salsa type pepper I have grown for years. Weird, huh? I've never ever had this happen before.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)


I think I would wait a week or 2. It has only been a couple weeks and that is what they will tell you. Even tho, you and I both know they should have germinated by now. Save your blood pressure and wait. Just my opinion. You can do what you want. Let us know.

edited to add: Linda, I was telling my daughter in Seattle, 400 miles from me, that my tomatoes last year ripened all at the same time. Early, late, and in between, She said that hers did the same thing. She thinks it was the weather. I don't care what anyone says, I think all of those things make a difference on how they grow, produce, and ripen. Also, taste. And if the flavor isn't good then why would we grow them? Doesn't make sense.

This message was edited Mar 9, 2014 7:04 PM

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

I may wait, Jnette, yes. But last year, I never got any Jalafuegos or Garden Salsas either. After several years of success you have to wonder why. Same company, same type of seed and ordering fresh every year and using same method. I may wait a day or two but my patience is wearing kinda thin for any sign of germination. Plus I'm going out of town for a week next Saturday and I really want some results before I go and leave DH on his own with the 'babies'. Thanks for talking me off the ledge.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Outside, what are Jalafuegos? Sounds interesting. I think you will be glad you waited a few days even if they don't come up by then. Are you sure your heating pad didn't overheat? I cooked my seeds one year because my thermostat on my heating bad gave up. Lost a lot of good seeds. Expensive ones too. jen

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

No, I don't think that's it. I can check it, but I've felt the soil itself and it actually doesn't feel that hot either. Maybe I should use my digital meat thermometer to check?? I have my set up in walk-in space under our house which also stays fairly mild, so I set the temp of the mat to 80-83.

Jalafuegos are a type of jalapeno but supposed to be a little hotter, about 4" long, and the plants more disease resistant. Thought I'd try at least one plant. Actually one little one is poking thru yesterday, but it's the one and only pepper of any kind so far that is showing signs of life.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I don't normally grow peppers and have only sown pepper seeds once so cannot remember how long they take to germinate. However, peppers do take more heat to grow, than tomatoes which are so easy under the conditions you are growing them in, that maybe they are finally coming up. Ya think?

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

They do take longer than tomatoes...12-18 days as I recall, where tomatoes will germinate in 7-10. I could be wrong. Will have to go look on the seed pack but I do know it is longer. But it's been way longer than that. They also require 80-85 degrees which is why I try to keep the temp a little high. I'm replanting to see what happens.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

When do you go on your trip? Week off? You said you wanted this taken care of before leaving?

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

I leave Saturday late afternoon and return the next Friday night.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Well, I would say you might as well go ahead and complain to them. If no more are coming up. Let us know what they say. Good luck.

Or, unless you would rather wait until you get back?

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I think you should just call, it can't hurt and they may send you replacement seeds in the week that you are away. TGS doesn't put a date on their seed packages....not even the year. Unless something changed in the last year or may want to check them out on Garden Watchdog...

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Good advice Lisa.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

I noticed that Lisa. I could swear they used to put put the year on their seed packs, but I could be wrong about that. I always write the date I planted seeds on the seed pack even if they had the year stamped on them but last year I didn't even see a year marked on the pack. I think I'm going to call or e-mail tonight or tomorrow. Also going to check the Watchdog before I do to see if anyone else is reporting this problem.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Is that where you got your seeds? TGS? I don't think I have ever gotten seeds from them, and doubt that I ever will. There are too many good companies out there to take a chance.

However, "packaged for 2014" doesn't mean that much to me, because it could be they are packing old seeds. It is not really proof that they were from tomatoes grown in 2013.

I have grown seeds that were a few years old right here in my house. Meaning I have had them a few years. And, I rarely have tomato seeds not germinate. Can't remember when I didn't.

But, at least I know that I have had them and not that they were sitting somewhere else that long. But it doesn't mean that they weren't sitting somewhere else for years before I got them.

Hope I didn't confuse everyone, but I think you know what I mean.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Was that where you got your seeds, TGS? I have never bought seeds from them. I doubt I will. There are too many good companies out there to take a chance.

I don't know what "packaged for 2014" means. I have a lot of seeds that are a few years old and still planting them. 'cause I only plant 2 of each kind. Tomatoes. So, if I put them in new packaging I could say they were packed for 2015. So, I don't think to much about years. I suppose it depends on the seeds. And, no, I am not fussy about my seeds. I just leave them in my bedroom. No special treatment.

I just planted 12 kinds of tomatoes, 2 seeds each, and 13 pony packs of petunias that are about 2 or 3 years old. Think I have had them at least that long. I expect them all to germinate. We'll see.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Jnette, I agree in theory and I treat my seeds pretty much the same as you. Although I do keep my left over seeds in a drawer in the panty which is lined in tin. I think it was supposed to be for potatoes or something, but we are not big potato eaters. I have a printout in the drawer with average longevity/viability of varieties of seeds as a rule of thumb. I should probably laminate that....hmmm! The Martha in me really wants to laminate that chart.

But I do like my seed packets to be dated by the producers. I think of it a common courtesy more than anything else. I usually date my packets once I receive them, but the printed date helps if I forget to do that. Also, I know where I store my extra seeds. But I don't know where THEY stored their extra seed from one season to the next. For all I know they have a shed out back they roll them all into, and then just pull all the left over seed back into the climate control once the next season rolls around. So I would like to at least get a general idea of when the seed producer/seller packed up this seed. I know the date they put on the packets may or may not be accurate, but it does give a general idea. I know this spring I received seed from someone (can't remember exactly but it might have been Victory Seeds) which stated the month and year the seed was packed. That is ideal for me.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Jnette, I agree in theory and I treat my seeds pretty much the same as you. Although I do keep my left over seeds in a drawer in the panty which is lined in tin. I think it was supposed to be for potatoes or something, but we are not big potato eaters. I have a printout in the drawer with average longevity/viability of varieties of seeds as a rule of thumb. I should probably laminate that....hmmm! The Martha in me really wants to laminate that chart.

But I do like my seed packets to be dated by the producers. I think of it a common courtesy more than anything else. I usually date my packets once I receive them, but the printed date helps if I forget to do that. Also, I know where I store my extra seeds. But I don't know where THEY stored their extra seed from one season to the next. For all I know they have a shed out back they roll them all into, and then just pull all the left over seed back into the climate control once the next season rolls around. So I would like to at least get a general idea of when the seed producer/seller packed up this seed. I know the date they put on the packets may or may not be accurate, but it does give a general idea. I know this spring I received seed from someone (can't remember exactly but it might have been Victory Seeds--all seeds at home) which stated the month and year the seed was packed. That is ideal for me.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from terri_emory :
Jnette, I agree in theory and I treat my seeds pretty much the same as you. Although I do keep my left over seeds in a drawer in the panty which is lined in tin.

It must be uncomfortable! ^_^ LOL!! ( I know it was a typo, but funny nevertheless!)

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

LOL, leave it to Evelyn.

Well terri, Thompson and Morgan used to have a site where they sold their seeds for $1 a pack. I always thought, in my own mind, that these were left over from the year before. However, they don't do that any more, and I would be willing to bet that all of them mix the old in with the new and pack them.

They don't say, grown for year 2014. They say "packed for 2014". That leaves a lot of leeway. Could mean a lot, or nothing.

Almost all the seeds are packed I think in the UK. Grown where??? Don't know. Do they send them in bulk, big bins, whatever, to the UK from where? Maybe I will google that.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Snort, I'm always doing something like that!

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)


I just planted 12 kinds of tomatoes, 2 seeds each, and 13 pony packs of petunias that are about 2 or 3 years old. Think I have had them at least that long. I expect them all to germinate. We'll see. [/quote]

Is this in addition to the new ones that you purchased online at Mischel's Greenhouse?

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Yes, but I only ordered enough for 2 baskets, 3 each, and 2 separates. Those are plants. She doesn't have seeds. If they are as pretty as I think they will be, hope, I will try to get seeds for next year from them. I will take pictures and post them.

They are expensive to ship too since she overnights them to this far. $16 for 8 4inch plants is quite a bit. that is shipping. So, it would figure $2 per plant.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

LOL! That is so funny I can't stop laughing...Terri, I know it was a typo or it self corrected. But please don't laminate anything..

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

You guys are so funny. Over a typo yet. LOL, good to have some fun. Glad terri took it good.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh, if you can't laugh at yourself what fun are you☺

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

You're right terri. Might make us all proof read our posts. :0)

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I think that's the point, I am laughing at is SO just happens to have your name on it. I read the post, and didn't catch it. Don't know if it's a good place for potatoes, There are just so many places to go with this...wonder if any of these have any affect on the flavor of Sungold. Lol

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