Grafted vegetables...are you planning on ordering them?

Hummelstown, PA(Zone 6b)

I grew three grafted tomatoes last year. They didnt seem to do any better or any worse than non-grafted tomatoes...perhaps slightly less vigorous. What has been your experience?

I am planning on ordering again this year. I'd like to see one more year under this seasons growing conditions before I make any further judgements.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

I think they are mainly for large growers.
I won't try them as we have very good success doing what we are doing.
Haven't had blight in many years. The secret is growing tomatoes under cover.
We will have 4 high tunnels this year. 3 of them for tomatoes.
Cherry tomatoes, which have been outside will go in one.

Newest high tunnel. This one is for radish & leaf lettuce.
Tomatoes in high tunnel, 2013.

Thumbnail by CountryGardens Thumbnail by CountryGardens
Longview, WA(Zone 8b)

Hi Country Gardens,
I have had Great results growing tomatoes outside hee in Western Washington. Why do You say the secret is growing under cover. Is it Your zone location or what?

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Been doing it for over 15 years. Never any blight inside.
I plant them in the ground in the tunnels, April 15 to May 1. Outside tomatoes can't be planted here until end of May. I still have nice green plants when they freeze up in November. Never any dead leaves on the bottom. I trim all bottom leaves as the plants get to tall, they are always green, not dead like outdoor plants.
Always number one fruit from inside. Once in a while I get a hornworm chewing on a few. Not hard to find him & eliminate him.

Hummelstown, PA(Zone 6b)

Are you referring to early blight or late blight?

I have also grown tomatoes inside a greenhouse but I did not get very good pollination. I had problems with aphids and white flies but no hornworms or any early or late blight. I garden just for fun.

I grow my tomatoes all outdoors at this point and am trying to see the benefits of grafted tomatoes. They are selling them starting last year in most garden catalogs. They are very expensive...about $7.50 per plant verses the 45-50 cents I spend in a local garden center buying pony packs or 2-3$ I spend at a local box store like Lowes that sells bonnie plants.

Im curious to know if anyone has tried the grafted tomatoes and if they have seen any benefits. I am well aware of the benefits on a commercial scale with large growers and how the practice is used and has been used for some time in Europe and Asia.

Sierra Vista, AZ(Zone 8b)

Alas, they can't ship to Arizona. Nonetheless, I did buy some rootstock seed and grafting clips from Tomato Growers Supply and hope to experiment with them this year. The idea certainly sounds good.

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