Seed Germination

Kansasville, WI(Zone 5a)

Came across this thread in the Hibiscus Forum and found it very interesting and was wondering
if anyone has used it on Brugmansia seeds. Well, after peeling the cork off it should work. And without nicking it.

Mesilla Park, NM

I don't know if it would work when they are peeled, they may rot so you would have to check often. Might work with the seeds that aren't peeled all they way. Try it on seeds that you have plenty to work with and see if they germinate this way. I personally do not like this method because of the sporadic germination and I don't have the time to pot up each individual seed and check 20 times a day on the amounts I sow, on some species it's just not feasible. Some folks swear by it though. Worth a try to see if it works on Brugs.

Mulberry, FL

I never peel the cork have done it both ways and fungus sets in quick on the peeled ones

Mesilla Park, NM

Did you try the Method out? If so, how did it work for you on the brug seeds?

Kansasville, WI(Zone 5a)

I haven't tried it on brug seeds. Some people use this method on daylily seeds.

Long Beach, CA

I peel the cork after soaking for 24 hours. I don't worry if all of it comes off... just most of it. Then to the soil it goes.

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