Have to vent

Bridgewater, ME

I was in sunday school Sunday and we were laughing because I found a feather in my bible case,so the conversation turned to chickens, I was asked how many I had and were they laying.and this other girl said hers were not laying and that most of them had no feathers due to picking. then they go off in a corner and die.She cares nothing about chickens she does not like them at all.Her father in law is the one who has them.She said I only want the eggs and someone else said why don`t you eat them if they are not laying and she said I would not eat them cause I know what I feed them,they get leftovers from fridge that has gone bad,poor things no wonder they are picking.I can`t stop thinking about them its so cold here and getting much colder in the next few days -30 Wednesday night and only a high of -14 Thursday.I hear so many times,, they are only chickens,that makes me so mad,they are animals to and need to be taken care of.Because it is going to be so cold I bought a heater to put in the coop till this cold snap is over.I have silkies and they cannot stand that kind of cold.Thanks for letting me vent.

Richmond, TX

What a sad story!

Ferndale, WA

Green, God Bless you...One thing I have learned is that many of so called God fearing people are terribly ignorant to what it means to love God and His Creation. I take that kind of ignorance as an insult to not only to the Lord himself but to the general principle of love and care that the Lord expects from His people. I am pleased that you are outraged at this level of apathy toward the animal kingdom...Hay...Thats the one thing I love about this forum...You folks know how to love and care for your wonderful animals...

Ferndale, WA

Just wanted to share a few pic's I took of those we are working with. The husband wife will have their own apt come Feb. Here they are cooking in our kitchen. Two two young men are Levi and Cameron. They are both doing very well and work well together keeping one another in check as to what is and what is not acceptable in our home. It's really challenging but also very rewarding to watch their progress...Karn and I remind one another constantly of the need to remember that the Lord's will is at stake here...Yes we both need to stay humble and remind ourselves that God's will is what matters here. Just think maybe someday they will raise chickens for us and let us retire...lol...Hay The small motorhome is where the boys sleep, and they also cook in our home...

Thumbnail by Haystack Thumbnail by Haystack Thumbnail by Haystack Thumbnail by Haystack
Bridgewater, ME

Sounds like you have a houseful most of the time.Glad to hear that the married couple will have their own place soon.My son lives in a camper year around,he has a electric heater and does well living in it.Will the boys eventually be able to have a place of their own?

Ferndale, WA

Yes Green they will eventually have their own place...however that will probably be a year away as you well know they need structure, and also need someone to answer to. Without having anyone to hold them to account, and keeping structure there is almost no hope for them. This lack of accountability is one of their most troublesome weaknesses. There a many things we require of them...in order for them to stay busy enough not to became disinterestred in their recovery. Some think it is just a drug issue but in reality it is much more than that. We do have fun times with them, and I think they really like being here. Both of their parents are allowed to come and spend four hours with them once a month. They are both well liked by their employers and coworkers. They are required to spend a certain amount on their recovery, and they are also required to save a certain amount out of each check. We do not charge them anything for living here but they also have to purchase their own groceries, and they both have chores they are required to preform. We hold to hour classes twice a week, using the bible and reading of pilgrims progress. They are very good at participating...Hay

Bridgewater, ME

Wonderful book,read it a few years ago,need to read it again.I so hope and pray these boys will trust in the Lord as I wish my son would

Fowlerville, MI(Zone 5b)

Hay, sounds like progress is being made! PTL, that's wonderful! It takes time to "grow". All in God's timing. :)

Green & Hay, regarding Green's original post, the verse below sums it up for me and I hope it blesses you both. I remind our grandchildren of this verse often. The Lord said that man would "rule over" over the animals, and that being the case, He expects us never to abuse or neglect the animals He has blessed us with.

"A righteous man has regard for the life of his animal," -- Proverbs 12:10a

Bridgewater, ME

Thank you for that verse Glenda

Ferndale, WA

Glenda, I love that verse. The Proverbs is the most wonderful book...packed with the most beautiful truths...and always up to date. Thank you my dear friend. I can only smile when God's people remind us of the powerful loving truth of God's word...My darling wife tells me I remind her of a Chessy Cat...Not sure what that means. Glenda, and Donna and of course everyone who reads this post here are pictures of the Electric Bikes we have purchased to get Levi and Cameron to work until they can pay off their debts and get their drivers liscenses back.

Thumbnail by Haystack Thumbnail by Haystack
Bridgewater, ME

Wow,those are nice.I love that green one,thats my favorite color.Our four wheeler is that color. Its a little faded now its so old

Thumbnail by green04735
Fowlerville, MI(Zone 5b)

Hay, I'm sure she says that because you're a sweet soul! ;) I've loved the Chessy Cat since I was a little girl and took my first train trip to Ashland, KY to see our family. Who doesn't love a kitten??

LOVE the electric bikes! What a perfect solution to getting them to work without having to be a chauffeur!

Donna, you've got a sweet 4 wheeler, and I love the jump seat on it! I haven't seen one like that before. Very cool!

God's word is new every day it seems. I read chapters I've read dozens of times and yet, new truths will pop out at me; ones I had not noticed before, and they pop out at times when my need is greatest. Guess that's why it is often called the "Living Word". :) And you're right, Hay, Proverbs is full of wisdom and common sense that applies to every day life, and helps us to avoid much of the misery this life holds. It's one of my favorite books of the Bible. :)

Ferndale, WA

Artic Cat is a very good brand when it comes to 4 wheelers, and snomobiles. I also like that green color. It's the same color of our NFL Team here in Seattle..."GO HAWKS"...LOL

Yes Glenda it works out very good for us, because both of the young men work at the Jack in the box and it's only four miles away, so round trip is only eight miles and lights work very well in that short distance. The bikes have a range of twenty five miles in distance, and the speed is from twenty - twenty five mph.

Glenda I had an opportunity in 1974 to meet with Billy Graham because I was pastoring and he was holding revival services in the very large (at that time) Kingdome. Anyway we were in an elevator and while talking he was telling me he read the Proverbs from beginning to end every single month of his life. He said it never got old and taught him how to behave more than any other book of the bible. I thought about that a lot and decided it was a great idea. I was a fairly new Christian at that time. I had been a Christian only five years and was pastoring...POOR CHURCH. What I must have put them through...Yikes...P.S. I still read them like that today. Billy Graham was and still is one of the most humble servants I have ever met, I learned a lot from him in that short time.

Ferndale, WA

Here are a couple pictures of the young men, Levi, and Cameron on their scooters getting ready to go to work. They both love having their own scooters so they can have a little independence.

Thumbnail by Haystack Thumbnail by Haystack Thumbnail by Haystack
Fowlerville, MI(Zone 5b)

What a blessing, Hay! Rev. Graham has been such a bold and faithful servant of God. His son, Franklin, recently requested prayer for his Dad. Billy is not long for this world. Soon he'll be Home, where his heart longs to be. ...God bless him.

Love the pics of Levi and Cameron! Sweet rides! :)

(Zone 6b)

I know what you mean Green. It is why I hesitate when I think of selling chickens.

I wanted a parrot about ten years ago until I read all these websites on how difficult it is to make them happy. Some people lock them in closets because they are so loud. They can even break your fingers if they decide to. When they are unhappy they will pluck their own feathers out. I thought that was probably more than I could handle.

When it was so cold here my chickens stayed in the garage in those wire dog crates at night with a heat lamp and several other lights on them.

Speaking of chicken cruelty, did you see the pictures of them killing chickens with foam? Takes fifteen minutes to suffocate them. It was on my FB this week.

Bridgewater, ME

Yes I did see that,poor chickens

Bridgewater, ME

Glenda look what I put in the coop this morning.I hope this will witness to people that come to buy chickens from me.

Thumbnail by green04735
Richmond, TX


Ferndale, WA

How cool are those signs...but I must tell you Green your gentleness and love, as well as how you house your animals speaks volumes about you...but I do love your signs...Hay

(Zone 6b)

I've made some bad mistakes with my chickens at times. It wasn't out of cruelty in my heart, but I have definitely made mistakes. Sometimes out of ignorance and sometimes carelessness.

Many times I think that financial problems get in the way too. People aren't trying to be mean and cruel, things are just going on they can't control. Many dogs and cats, I'm sure, have been neglected and abandoned because of this recession. I keep thinking that things may start to turn around about 2017. Most of these financial things tend to last ten years, like the Great Depression. They say this started in 2007, so maybe it will get better in a few years. We can hope so.

I'm really glad to have my chickens and donkey. They keep me calm. I have to take good care of myself, because who would take care of them if something bad happened to me? That thinking helps me.

So Greene, people are coming to your house to buy chickens. That almost sounds like fun. Great signs btw. :D

Bridgewater, ME

Yes LFJ, I have a few that come to my home to buy,but sell most at the e chicken swaps through the summer months.I have to agree about the chickens keeping us calm,I love being in the coop and watching them in the summer. Thanks Hay for your kind words

Richmond, TX

And there is nothing better than watching a chicken run for a good laugh.

Bridgewater, ME

Your right porkpal,I love chick tv to when they are in the house,when one gets something and he says come chase me.Wanted to share pics of my dolphin plant,the flowers look like dolphins. And my cactus,it flowered like this in Nov. and its at it again,lol

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