Dear Santa, please bring me...

(Zone 7a)
There are a total of 76 votes:

Some new hand tools.
(1 votes, 1%)
Red dot

A gift certificate to my favorite nursery.
(15 votes, 19%)
Red dot

A load of mulch.
(13 votes, 17%)
Red dot

A piece of garden art or water feature.
(2 votes, 2%)
Red dot

A new power tool (like what?)
(2 votes, 2%)
Red dot

A greenhouse.
(11 votes, 14%)
Red dot

A nice young man or woman with a strong back!
(24 votes, 31%)
Red dot

Other (tell us)
(8 votes, 10%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Very hard to find good help.
Most are only looking for the paycheck.

Pretoria, South Africa

Ohhh, a greenhouse. I have a cold frame, but can do with some extra space for my seedlings...

Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

winning Lotto ticket...

-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

Mulch for me!! More and more, a delivery every month for 12 months..... Merry Christmas everyone!!

(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

Mulch for me too. Deliver late fall so I can spread it over the garden to seep into the ground.
over winter.

Kingsville, TX(Zone 9b)

Yeah! What FlowrLady said! A load a month for the next 12 months! Or better yet, a load of good rich garden soil and/or compost every month! The soil in my yard is AWFUL! ! ! It needs a LOT of help!
Oh, and someone with a good strong back and lots of energy, too!
(I don't want much, now, do I.) :>)

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

I am going to be starting a fairy garden. My hubby got me a couple "fairy houses" really cute kits to make them. So I am happy I guess that falls under new garden art. Always love new garden stuff.

Magna, UT(Zone 7a)

Good idea Ibarden! I could really use that load of compost every month.

Concord, CA(Zone 9b)

Rain. We've had less than 3" of our usual 17.5" in the Quingdom.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Regal, I will GLADLY share with you all the rain we got here the last 2 days!! If I shared half of what we got, you'd reach your 3" marker no problem. =)

I voted "Other", 'cause what I really want is the promise of a love-filled 2014 like I've had in 2013. I've been so blessed this past year; not with stuff, but with people. If the up-coming year can be as beautiful as this past one, I'll be a really happy little camper! < =D

God Bless you all!!!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I'd love someone to help in the garden for a reasonable fee ... so guess that's a vote for a strong back ... but even more than that.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

a job.

Cascade, VA(Zone 7a)

definite the nursery gift certificate for me, so many neat spring plants and veggie seeds, so little $ to buy them with, LOL! ;)

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

I clicked other because I want it all!!! My mama said, "Why wish for bread when you could wish for the grocery store."

N.C. Mts., NC(Zone 6b)


Sun Lakes, AZ(Zone 9b)

I'd like a greenhouse, but it will never happen!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We have a greenhouse, plenty of power and hand tools, we have art and water features, mulch or better yet compost, a gift certificate might be nice, but what Holly and I really need is a strong back. One for each of us would be nice, so we could better use what we have.LOL Planting, weeding, trimming, watering, feeding, and harvesting is nearly a full time job for both of us.

Thumbnail by Ric_of_MAF Thumbnail by Ric_of_MAF Thumbnail by Ric_of_MAF Thumbnail by Ric_of_MAF Thumbnail by Ric_of_MAF
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

ric of maf that is one incredible cavana set up you have there not to mention all the rest of the pictures.

But I'm thinking for this time of the year it might be all white?

Merry Christmas.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

more TIME for gardening…
though that 'Mulch of the Month Club' idea sounds great!

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

I like a old window greenhouse!

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm thinking other... they can do everything else that needs doing and I will have time to tend to my plants! And that is a Christmas dream!

-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

You hafta be careful what you ask for, you might get it.

I asked for a Chia pet, and I got it, a Duck Dynasty one. Now I'm going to get to try my luck with a Chia pet.

...and I'm happy about it. :)

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

You know those folk are not real hillbillys right? They are millionaire yuppies. The way they dress, those are costumes. Louisiana says they are good for tourism, though. I grew up there. They get $200,000 per episode. Hey, I would dress up like a hillbilly for that!

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Ah-ha, just like any show on TV or a movie.

Greensboro, AL

True very hard to find good help. In this area (still recovering from devastating tornadoes in the Tuscaloosa area) there are more scammers than people who view honest work as what you need to get to get an honest days pay.
I voted for power equipment which is the present I got me: a new Rotozip zip saw. Im hoping it will work to cut off moldings to repair my 100 year old windows. Outbuildings and main house still need to be reglazed because of tornado damage. I learned I better do it myself.

Charlotte, VT

I'm looking for a husband with a strong back. Wish me luck.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

:-) Helen

Jim Falls, WI(Zone 4a)

I voted other as I would accept most of the above.

Virginia Beach, VA

I voted for mulch also. I never have enough for my houseplants and my flower beds.

Greensboro, AL

Helen: I hope he has some other virtuous qualities as well as a strong back. Good luck!

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Greenhouse...did not get one. A potting shed would be nice as well.

Warrenton, VA

You know what I'd REALLY LIKE? I voted for the mulch, as this has been on my mind, but I WANT OUTSIDE ELECTRICITY!
There now! Said it! I have a VERY retro house, with NO outside electricity, and looking at my frozen birdbath, now, that is SAD. Also VERY SAD is the fact that I bought blowmolds for Christmas display and of course cannot light them properly...and solar spots on them just don't do the trick. Don't advise me to put them in windows either, as then I need to find boxes or something to give them the right height and again, it's NOT the same! LOL! Enjoy yours!

Lake Helen, FL

I need a suitable electric chain saw, because raintrees are taking over.

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

I want a water feature and waterfall with a retaining wall and a patio, but I want to go to the gym for my own exercise for a change. Both thoughts are big dreams, but who knows? I'd be happy with everything on the list!

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Should be lots of strong backs available now that the unemployment has been cut off.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I chose other , while most of the choices I want or have ..
Yes , I'm rather working on it myself
Spiritual ) , Nothing , Everything kind of things .. like the season as to who you are ...

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

I want.... to tell Ves522 that I LOVE that avatar... the pic of the 2 shoes. That is just SO artistic, it's fabulous!!!!! =)

Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

there's a Santa?

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)


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