Aloe aristata in danger?

ATHENS, Greece

Aloe aristata , a succulent plant i bought about 2 months ago ....please take a carefull look at the pictures and it's very easy to see the difference....the first picture was taken 2 months ago , when i first bought the plant and since then, i keep it indoors...i almost dont water it at all!....because one day a month ago i took it outside for some hours , into my balcony to enjoy some rain...I havent even touch it , for all the rest period...pls help
in the last foto i keep into my hand a leaf that has gone..perhaps that helps

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Geronimo, TX

Did this plant get frost nipped? I don't have this specific aloe, but my other aloes turn light colored and glassy looking when frosted. Some don't stand up to the cold at all. In general, for freeze damaged aloes, I pull off all the glassy (frozen) leaves, keep the plant warm and give them plenty of sunlight. If there is a goodly amount of undamaged foliage, they usually recover.

Hummelstown, PA(Zone 6b)

My guess is also cold injury.

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