Weather prediction

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9b)

Someone on this board must have a crystal ball, Ouija Board or Magic Eight Ball; or become psychic when they drink - I need to know if it will stay mild all winter.

Please advise.

Mesa, AZ

No, no it will not. Do not be fooled by the current weather, January and February will kick our butts.

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9b)

I sure hope so. My trees won't drop their leaves!

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

The only tree I have that drops its' leaves is my nectarine, and it's just about bare.

Chandler, AZ(Zone 9b)

If the lowest low of the winter is 28 degrees in my backyard (as it currently stands), I will be a happy camper indeed!
But, as BirdLady indicated, Jan/Feb can be a bit spiteful (see last year...).

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9b)

I'm still waiting . . . .

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9b)

Supposed to be 80 on Sunday. I think I'll just go ahead and plant some stuff. I better wear sunscreen. We are obviously skipping winter this year. stupid global warming.

Gilbert, AZ

I'm with you....still waiting. I covered up my tender plants once back in November and all my plant covers have been waiting patiently on my back patio to be put into use. I want a cold night, darn it! So January passed us by and winter still hasn't arrived. February???

Mesa, AZ

NOAA says 67 and 48 Fri with a 10% chance (hah!) of showers, 65 and 45 Sat partly cloudy and 64 and 47 for Sun also partly cloudy. Not that cold, but not 80. At least not in my neighborhood.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - the National Weather Service.

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

The Weather Channel's forecast is just about the same, except it shows no rain on Friday and 10% on Saturday. My temps tend to be 2-4 degrees higher than the Mesa forecast.

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9b)

Well, I was hoping for less than high 60's; but I guess I'll ride with it.

Dolan Springs, AZ(Zone 9a)

Someone heard that someone thought they heard someone say that we might get a lot of moisture in February, similiar to the 'Miracle March of '92. Don't know if cold temps were part of the forecast or not.

Mesa, AZ

I will do a rain dance to the someone who can bring the rain!! I will take the cold too, something to remember when June and July come around again...


Tempe, AZ(Zone 9b)

It usually rains during the Phx Open golf tournament, so there is hope. But my hibiscus are blooming, so not very much hope!

Gilbert, AZ

I'm with you Susie! Rene, I've been surprised that the golfers didn't bring the rain with them, too! I'm sure wishing I'd put in some tomatoes back in the fall. I didn't because the last time it was such a pain to keep them from freezing all winter. Any tomato growers out there enjoying our balmy winter?

Mesa, AZ

We moved to our current home the middle of Feb last year. There was snow on the Superstitions and a light snow fell here at the house. Be careful, February can be a very tricky month....

p.s. I have 3 tomatoes that are struggling, but still growing... I just cover them alot, since it is colder up here than at my old house. They are in black plastic barrels cut in half, and covered with netting to keep the squirrels and quail out. I think the black plastic helps hold some heat from the sun during the day.

Gilbert, AZ

It really sounds pretty at your place Susie!

Mesa, AZ

We love it! Away from it all, but an easy drive to get to some of it....
We live at the end of a dead end road that turns to a dirt road, next to the Signal Butte floodway, so the closest neighbors to the north are over a 1/2 mile away. All lovely desert, everyone on a minimum 1.25 acrea lot. So nice and so very quiet. :)


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Serious envy here, Susie!

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9b)

Did I hear you say you want to host a swap at your new house?

Mesa, AZ


Tempe, AZ(Zone 9b)

Okay Susie, even your beloved NWS says it will be 82 by Thursday. And my tortoises have started coming out of hibernation. I'm betting we won't get anywhere near freezing temps. I'm planting today. If Julia is correct and Someone heard that someone thought they heard someone say that we might get a lot of moisture in February, similiar to the 'Miracle March of '92; then let it rain, baby!

(And Julia, that comment re-certifies you as a riff-raff gardener for one more year).


Dolan Springs, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thanks! And in my own defense, Ca IS getting all that rain! I just forgot that there's a reason this is a desert! That stuff doesn't make it out HERE often or much!
I'm following your lead, and planting stuff too:-)

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