A few of mine

Mulberry, FL

Doosie just getting going Tattered angel just starting too. Angels Fantasy Berfee it turns orange in the cool temps. New Orleans lady

Thumbnail by Danasplants Thumbnail by Danasplants Thumbnail by Danasplants Thumbnail by Danasplants Thumbnail by Danasplants
Mesilla Park, NM

Just beautiful Dana. You have some beauties.

Love the doubles!!!


Center, TX

Dana, I am in search of advise. In oct. I cut back my brugs and attempted to root the pieces. They all rotted,too green. Now the stalk of the old plant has little knobs all up and down on it, so I am wondering if I should just let well enough alone or can I take more cuttings ? I have protected it with pipe covers( the styerofoam covers) /will that hurt the plant over the winter? Alda

Mulberry, FL

Everyone has there own method of rooting green cuttings would go in soil woody would go in water. All you can do is trail and error that's how we all learn.

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