Caring for Poinsettias indoors?

West Babylon, NY(Zone 7a)

I want to try and keep a Poinsettia alive until its warm enough I can grow it outside. I have it on a windowsill with plant light above it. I put seed starting mix with perlite in it and water it enough it won't dry out. Every so often I mist it lightly with a spray bottle.

What else can I do to keep it alive?

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Although poinsettias are technically perennial, in NY you should really only take them outside for the summer. They are tough to keep looking pretty. Good luck.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

My parents have one on their enclosed porch. I put it in Miracle Gro soil. Dad waters it a few times a week, but does nothing else. It has gotten very large! They seem to be pretty easy to care for, once you find the right spot/light.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Carolina, this person is asking about NY....often below freezing for a long time! I guess it depends on the porch.

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