What's cooking?

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)
There are a total of 43 votes:

Lots of holiday sweets! (something special?)
(10 votes, 23%)
Red dot

Fresh baked bread.
(2 votes, 4%)
Red dot

Soup or stew. (share recipes please!)
(16 votes, 37%)
Red dot

Our favorite Comfort Food (tell us!)
(4 votes, 9%)
Red dot

Something on the grill outside.
(3 votes, 6%)
Red dot

Other (tell us!)
(8 votes, 18%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

I look forward to getting these braces off so I can eat jerky again... it's already been a year and a half, and it's making me mental!!! < =/ Jerky and BAGELS!!!!, and nuts, Oh My!

I read the title for that Lima Bean soup and immediately had to shut my eyes.. I'm allergic... Lima beans, peas, beets.. all make me break out in severe cases of "no thank you's". ;)

Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

Wow, it seems you all are going all out. Usually, we would have been cooking and/or baking. But, since we moved here a few months ago, it is just the 4 of us (family will move here next year). So, I'll make some cookies or something, but . . . the kids are just as excited about getting a box of chicken . . . as long as there is mashed potatoes and gravy! So, that is what we will do on Christmas Eve. I will probably make a small pork roast for Christmas Day.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Today I need to go do the 2-week grocery shopping, and that means figuring out what will be on the menu for Christmas dinner. Son will be here early in the day, so it'll be just the 3 of us, and really, I'll need to figure out a "brunch" thing... the rest of the time it'll just be DH and me... what to do what to do? Pork roast sounds good! =)

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Legumes are some of my fave foods ... along with peas and beets. Luv 'em. Oh yeah. :)

Omelettes, fancy waffles, bacon, fruit, all sorts of things we have for brunch. Light on the meat. Black-eyed peas are traditional for New Year's.

Not fond of jerky here. But fresh might be a different story. Way too salty. :) We did have a house guest once who picked up a bag labeled "Beef Jerky" and helped herself. It was dog jerky! When told, she immediately spit it out. Can't say as I've ever tried dog jerky. lol.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

I'm not fond of salty foods myself, but jerky is my one and only exception, Mmmmm I love the stuff!! =) Wonder how that doggie jerky tasted! Hahahaaa!! Come to think of it, I bet it was actually quite healthy, loaded with veggies n' good stuff.

The only peas I have ever loved were the ones I ate directly off the vine in my Dad's garden. Pod and all, they were Heavenly!! Freshly picked and raw, I will not pass them up, but otherwise, I will respectfully decline. =)

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Oh yes, there's nothing like peas fresh off the vine. The best!

She wasn't impressed with the dog jerky at all. Such a face. Bless her ... she was a good sport about it. :)

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Sunflower seeds set in a bowl on the front porch , young teen starting eating them , Some reaction face dropped eeewwwww by sound ,, when I said that's Birdfood (I think she's been aggravated at me , sister's youngster ,, hardly ever says a thing , and has disgruntled look every time she looks my way) .. lol yes , I'm the Unforgiven ... but I am not worried about it ^_^ lol
Well A salty story ; everything except my coffee .. it's a long story !!! lol

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)


1 pound of Elk or Bison ground (get at Meat Butcher)
2 ( 10-3/4 oz) cans of Campbell's Beef Noodle
1 (9 oz) frozen Green Giant Chopped Spinach
1 (1.2 oz) Betty Crocker Mashed potatoes (microwave)
1 can of Whole Peeled Tomato, chopped
1/2 tsp. coarse sea salt
1/2 tsp. Lawry's Garlic Salt
1 tsp. cayenne pepper (optional)

1. Put frozen spinach in the bowl in microwave to thaw out and put spinach on towel to drain the water. And put mashed potato in microwave as read the directions.
2. Cook elk or bison ground meat (break in pieces) until brown.
3. Put 2 cans of soup in pan and cook soup then put meat in soup.
4. Drain the whole peeled tomato (save juice and set aside) and cut tomatoes then put in the soup. As you like put juice in soup it's healthy soup.
5. Put spinach and mashed potato in soup. Stir it good. Put sea salt, garlic salt, and cayenne pepper.
6. Put juice in pan until it cook thru until hot.

As I put all the ingredients but no tap water in it as I did cook and it is so good yummy... As you wish you can put your favor soup as you like...

This message was edited Dec 20, 2013 7:28 AM

This message was edited Dec 20, 2013 7:29 AM

Thumbnail by JuJu55
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I've never had elk or bison. What are they similar to in taste?

LOL, juhur, I guess you're no longer the favorite uncle.

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

Quote from Cville_Gardener :
I've never had elk or bison. What are they similar to in taste?

If you don't had elk or bison. Try for lean ground meat as you like...
Taste like beef stew...

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

There's a buffalo burger joint nearby. Wonderful burgers. The meat is very lean, and a bit on the dry side. But, the BBQ sauce more than makes up for the dryness!

Bubba_MoCity can tell you all about cooking bison roasts. They have a big cook-off every year at the burger joint.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Bonnie, thanks for the Butternut Squash Soup recipe. I will try this soon. We love Butternut Squash. We had 32 this year on two plants. The squash bugs do not bother the butternut squash plants. I have a wonderful Butternut Squash Salad with Barley, Butternut Squash and Brussels Sprouts. Then, I have another Butternut Squash Salad that has dried cranberries, apples and nuts in it.

We always have Breakfast Strudel for Christmas Day Brunch which is rich scrambled eggs in a braided puff pastry. I also make Cinnamon Rolls and various cookies and a few pies.

Hey, regarding men in the kitchen: I love having my husband help me in the kitchen--chopping veggies or doing some of the dishes.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Birder... I wanted to wait until DH had gone back to work before I replied.. (LOL!!)
I am in BIG trouble when he wants to help in the kitchen 'cause he gets to talking about... oh, could be ANYTHING.. and he just CAN'T work/think/focus and talk at the same time. And when he really gets rolling, then he'll start pacing around the kitchen, constantly stopping in EXACTLY the spot where I need to be next. UGH!!! And he's BIG. Like, nearly 6'9" BIG, and he's got a wing-span that's longer than he is tall (extra-long arms), .. so when he really gets on a tear, the arms start a'flyin'... LOOK OUT!! Hahahahahaahaaa < =D It just doesn't work, and we both know it. He would LOVE to be more helpful, but quite honestly, I just won't let him. =)

Cville, that's a really interesting recipe, and one that I bet my son would LOVE! While the combo of spices (including pepper and sugar) looks "interesting", I know all about how something may look "weird" on paper, and yet on the taste buds it's a whole new ballgame!

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Hubby here is very quite and tall. You wouldn't even know he was in the room!

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)


I successfully completed my very first canning session: Jalapeno Pepper Jelly and Whole Berry Cranberry Sauce!


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Congrats! That's a good feeling.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

What kind of canner do you have?

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)


I have two canners. The one I'm cutting my teeth on is a simple Water Bath canner I picked up on sale at Target (before the credit card nightmare...). I'm gonna do pickled beets next. I'm starting off with the water bath canner to get a feel for the process and how the whole "jars, lids, and rings" sealing process works.

I learned about "head space" and "air bubbles" two days ago. I think I have a little bit too much head space in my cranberry jars. They sealed tight, but, I do see a fine line of tiny, tiny bubbles around the top edge of the cranberry sauce. I read up, and, since they aren't "moving" around in the jar, it's good to eat. And, it's only two days later. My people will eat those jars before the week is over, LOL!

My second canner is an All-American Pressure Canner 921. It is the tallest, shiniest, most beautiful piece of stainless steel I have ever owned. I could put my make-up on in it, LOL!

Working up my knowledge-base and courage to fire it up. Been sitting in the box for over 5 years now, brand spanking new...it's time.

In comparison, the All-American looks over at the water bath canner and says:

"All other canners out there -- I am your father!"

Got my beets, and getting ready to pickle them (in the water bath canner).

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I looked at it online. That is one big daddy canner for sure! Love it. My pressure canner is a Presto. Currently it's in the closet. The water bath canner is handy. I may get going with it again after the new year.

I remember the first pressure canner I ever had (years ago). I was afraid to use it because I remembered some of the explosions people experienced with them. Scared me to death for awhile.

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