Squirrels and oak wilt

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

The native red oaks around here are being decimated by wilt, and I'm wondering what impact this might have on squirrels. Some people look at squirrels as little more than rats with bushy tails, but I hold them in higher esteem. The local population seems to be holding its own, but I can't help but think their numbers will be compromised as this scourge continues unabated over the long term. There really doesn't seem to be any easy (or inexpensive) way to control it.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

That's sad. The squirrels probably will have much smaller litters, so they'll almost certainly decrease in numbers.
After I gave up on trying to keep squirrels from bird feeders (though I now have a few that are truly squirrel-proof), I started feeding them peanuts and sunflower seeds. I sometimes worry about contributing to unsustainable over-population. There are a few squirrel generations that think food comes from people...like this one patiently waiting for peanuts.

This message was edited Dec 15, 2013 10:38 AM

Thumbnail by Muddy1
Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Trying again...here's my photo

Thumbnail by Muddy1
Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

Squirrels are very photogenic, but that one does look a bit too relaxed. :)

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Yeah, that squirrel's sprawl reminded me more of a cat.

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

That squirrel reminds me a little of myself during the dog days of summer...

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

How about this one: I swear it's not stuffed !

Are there any state programs to control the spread of oak wilt?

Thumbnail by Muddy1
Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

While I was reading up on oak wilt, I found this link, which somehow makes the death of red oaks seem almost positive for wildlife! Perhaps berry-producing plants like blackberries and raspberries will take advantage of the sunlight to spread and help compensate for some of the reduction in nuts.
Go forth and plant berry-producing shrubs!

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

Quote from Muddy1 :
Are there any state programs to control the spread of oak wilt?

Is that you or the squirrel asking? Anyhow, the WI DNR does a pretty good job on their website explaining the problem and how it manifests itself. Unfortunately, the disease vectors are difficult to control, especially with the...ah, questionable ecological habits of suburban America. I know what it's like to be part of the problem, but I really try to avoid disturbing the woodland in any manner during the most critical period of April - October.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Ha ha ha!!

It's terrible that so many different plant diseases find their way into the U.S. from abroad, especially when they wipe out mature trees that will take decades to replace.

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

I agree -- it's very discouraging. I'm trying to clean up the dead oaks, but it's a huge job that will take some time. Several dead oaks have tipped and are now hung up on other trees, making their removal more difficult and much more dangerous. I think they were called widowmakers back in the day...

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Wow, that does sound dangerous, probably a job for professional tree companies.

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

Yes, that would be wise...and expensive. My goal is to get ahead of the problem and take them down before they fall, but during the cold season when there's less chance of spreading wilt to healthy trees. If you wait for nature to take its course, some will inevitably fall into a healthy tree and open a wound, which of course increases the likelihood of that tree becoming infected. It can be a vicious cycle.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Squirrels have survived and proliferated because they are so darn adaptable. They will eat acorns, conifer seeds, bark, insects and all kinds of fungi. Really, think rats and what they do to survive. I think rats are cute and don't understand why squirrels demand more respect than rats just because they are more rotund and have bushy tails. All this said, the English will forever hate us because we introduced grey squirrels and decimated their red squirrel population. I was all but stoned (in the kliteral sense) as a gardening American among the British for this faux pas that I was not at all aware of.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Interesting, MaypopLaurel! I had never heard about the grey squirrel / red squirrel problem. How were grey squirrels were introduced - it's a long way to swim!

Pseudo - I feel bad for you; it must be terrible to watch trees die.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Google grey squirrel/red squirrel problem in Britain. The grey squirrel is much more adaptable than the red squirrel and encroaching on their habitats.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Pseudo, I feel bad for you and the Red Oaks too. I remember the devastation of Dutch Elm Disease to Elms when I was young, I still mourn the loss. I hope the Oak wilt is no where near the issue. Man, I hope they get that under control soon.

Thank goodness you have Muddy to brighten your day...those squirrel pics are absolutely priceless!

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

I wish I had a picture of the squirrel that stood up on its hind legs and peered inside our patio door. I worry that the little buggers will run inside my house someday! Squirrel in house + 3 indoor cats = potentially bad situation.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Oh, I wish you had that pic too. If yours are indoor cats, they would probably think you brought a playmate home for their amusement.

Pseudo, are you felling trees all by yourself?

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

Yes, I am. In fact, my neighbors call me Bob Feller. OK, that's complete BS. Well, not the part about dropping trees, but the part about Bob Feller. Google him. Felling trees will never be my cup of tea, but I believe it needs to be done. Chain saws are a necessary evil. I wonder, will this stir up controversy?

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Pseudo: you just throw a different style of "smoke". Easy to see where folks'd be confused...

I bet you are going to hate not being a rebel anymore - that's why you are revving into tree cutting mode!

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

Yeah, I was a rebel rouser, but then it got old. Or did I get old? You should've seen my blinding fast ball and bending curve. Now its just my chain saw and Fox News...

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

My DH has a blinding fastball...95 mph. I don't get into snowball fights with him. He was in the same alumni as Bob Feller. I think it's very noble of you to tackle the trees by yourself...gutsy too. It's a damn big job (is that a swear word?). You're absolutely right, it's something that has to be done...wielding a chainsaw is pretty fun too!

Good that you're channeling the rebel into something else...like Fox News, lol. You guys crack me up.

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

Alumni? As in professional baseball alumni?

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

I think Mipii meant they both got their degrees in metallurgy - specializing in the primary products of that era - and worked in the smelters and mills together.

The amazing coincidence with baseball is that bats are migrating away from ash...and to alumni.

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

To use another pitching term, that's a stretch...

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Yes, MLB Alumni. His pitching skill sure came in handy when we were on the front porch with our slippers on, letting our dogs out for a wee. Just like kids, they sense when they can get away with a bit more than usual.

Off the youngest one went for what she thought was a little unsupervised sprint down the street. We called her twice and I was just about to head in for some boots when my DH grabbed a handful of snow and hurled it. Just as soon as the mysterious white ball hit her butt she let out a little yelp, turned about-face...and hoofed it back home to safety. Easy-peezy dog rearing.

I swear she never wandered off again.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

I wish I could have seen that !

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

oops double posted

This message was edited Dec 20, 2013 12:11 AM

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

If I had any warning Muddy, I would have gotten it on video (how many times do people say that?).

VV...hah...I'm not drinking coffee anymore when I talk to you. That was good...metallurgy, alumni bats...even liked the 7th inning stretch.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Really Pseudo? Fox News?

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

Quote from Mipii :
Really Pseudo? Fox News?

No, I was being facetious. I'm more oriented to the Daily Show than Fox News. Must not talk politics..., must not talk politics..., must not talk politics...

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Yes...not a good idea to get me started either; however, I watch Fox. That's it, I'm shutting up now...zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, lock, zip, zip......glue, zip.........

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

I watch Deer. And Moose, and Squirrel.

Sometimes, in my darkest moments, I watch Chipmunk...

Thumbnail by ViburnumValley
Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Cute squirrel !!
and now for fox news....we used to see red foxes in our neighborhood every few weeks or so, but haven't for awhile. I haven't seen dead ones on the sides of the roads, so maybe the rising coyote population is taking its toll.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Ahh, get your snowballs out I think it's coyote season over their in zone 7a.

I also watch bird, thanks for the CUTE squirrel pic, it's a good one.

Warrenton, VA

I am anti-squirrel. Varmints. I get this from my dad. Once we left on vacation when I was very young, and when we got back, a brave squirrel had gotten itself trapped in our garage, where it proceeded to lay waste to everything. Nails all over the floor, windows all chewed almost through on the wood trim, etc. They had gotten too bold with their increase in population (don't know why there was this increase to this day). We certainly did nothing to encourage them!

Many years later, and due to my husband's soft heart, we trap them, in a humane way. We then transfer them to a nearby mountain. In fact, coons, skunks, and possums have also all found their way to the mountain via our truck.

I suggest that, if you are concerned, you trap 'em and send 'em. At least, you'll know that they're proliferating somewhere!

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

Quote from Muddy1 :
...and now for fox news....

LOL. Very clever.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

You liked that, huh? I took my cue from VV.

...and now for our coyote info-session: Mipii might think I'm joking : ), but I'm not!

Even right here in the middle of suburbia, we have coyotes. If you want to read all about it, see

Perhaps we'll see a decline in the deer population...

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

I liked your fox news spin too, and I didn't think you were kidding...

Snowballs are a great training tool...that info was given before I knew you were still having summer there.

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