PINUS TAEDA (Loblolly Pine) Help

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)


I was doing my annual measurements on our trees yesterday and noticed a problem with the leader on our Loblolly Pine. The leader was folded over and it's growth retarded in comparison to the secondary shoots around it. I poked at it and a worm was in the top so I cut it off. Now, I am wondering what to do with the secondary shoots. Here are my options as I see them:

1) Cut off two of the three shoots to make a new leader to start for next season.
2) Leave all three, which are healthy, and see how it goes. Currently, they are standing at 14' above the ground.

I am leaning toward option 2 as I think it might be nice to have a lower, bushier tree. I know these pines can grow up to 70'. Please post your input as to pros and cons of my choices or perhaps there is a 3rd choice I haven't thought of, thanks!

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Wouldn't you select one scaffold (uncut) to be the leader and cut back the other two? Just thinking through what I have learned regarding pruning/training. Perhaps an expert could weigh in on this one. I might also spray for the worms, do you think they might be bagworms?

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Not sure on the worm. It was just one and it was in the tip of the new bud but the new bud was retarded and off to the side. Inside it was dry and crispy. I've had the same thing happen on a Pinus Heldreichii but it wasn't on the leader.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

If there was only one worm that just happened to damage the leader...the most important branch (little rascal) I wouldn't bother with spraying then.

If your leader was already cut when you posted, it'll produce branching and you'll have to go back and select one of those as your leader and cut the others at the base.

Select the next most upright branch to be the leader and cut the other two back so they can't compete with the leader. Your new leader will eventually straighten out. Your tree will bush out as it grows by itself and generally you want to have a more open look when their young. If you really want it bushier cut back the lateral (scaffold) branches by 1/3.

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