Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)

I have a couple of bearded irises that I would like to identify.

I think the first one may be Easter Bonnet. Just found a pic of that one today.

The second one was given to me as Grandpa's Girl, but I'm not sure if it really is. It is about 24" in its partially shaded spot. Can't find a better match though.

Thumbnail by iowhen Thumbnail by iowhen
Concord, NC

Hi! your first pic appears to be either 'MISS CALIFORNIA' Salbach 1938 or 'MELANIE' Hill 1941, they both get very tall usually 48" but neither has bloomed for us yet so I dont know the bloom times that might be a way to see which on it is that you have. Superstition carries Miss California and we recieved Melanie from 1913cat. We have 'Easter Bonnet' and it bloomed for the first time for us this year and it has more of a lighter pink than yours, as yours is rosier, and Easter Bonnet has much more yellow at the beard and center and the bloom is very large and billowy. ill post our pic of it.Your second Historic one is what they call a variegata, which means it is yellow to cream on top standards and red to maroon brown on bottom falls. to me yours looks like 'Honorabile' Lemon 1840 and not Chenedolle as 'Honorible' has the rounded falls like yours. we dont yet grow that one, but its very lovely. all of your iris are very lovely. hope I could help.
Miss California

heres our Easter Bonnet pic May of 2013

This message was edited Nov 15, 2013 10:57 AM

Thumbnail by themikesmom
Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)

Thank you, themikesmom!

I had somehow not yet come across any of these beauties.

The pink one may be Melanie, here are a few more pics of it. It bloomed and multiplied quite vigorously considering I gave it little attention.

Thumbnail by iowhen Thumbnail by iowhen Thumbnail by iowhen
Concord, NC

It's Very lovely! Historic pinks and rose colored iris are our favorite, and they are very scarce anymore! Giant Rose and Rameses are our very favorite pink iris along with these. my son has 2 large clumps of Indian chief with about a six foot space between them and the last 2 years we have been planting historic pinks between the indian chief in that space for contrast with the red, and we put Miss California and Melanie as the back border of the pinks, as the are the tallest to be the crown jewels of the garden! hoping to get some killer pics this Spring ill try to post themon this thread.!

Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)

I would love to see your pics. Can't get enough of irises.

Concord, NC

'GIANT ROSE' by Schreiner 1959 coming up our driveway and VISHNU by Grace Sturtevant 1930 in the front yard as front border of pinks between the Indian Chief, the pink section here is a work in progress.. VISHNU is an E to EM Bloomer and GIANT ROSE a ML to VL Bloomer. VISHNU is available from Superstition in CA, and Recieved our GIANT ROSE from Jim at Exline in WV.

Thumbnail by themikesmom Thumbnail by themikesmom Thumbnail by themikesmom Thumbnail by themikesmom
Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)


Concord, NC

Thanks Gypsy!, Miss California and Melanie have not bloomed yet here..its still Extra Early Season here another few weeks and if they bloom ill post the pics here for You. In the mean time heres JOY by Carpenter 1943 of Owensboro, Kentucky and GRAND CANYON by Kleinsorge of Oregon 1942..JOY came from C and T Iris and GRAND CANYON from Willow Bend Farm..both are in Colorodo.

Thumbnail by themikesmom Thumbnail by themikesmom Thumbnail by themikesmom Thumbnail by themikesmom
Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)

I've never seen Grand Canyon. That's beautiful!

Concord, NC

Hi Gypsy! here are the pics of my Very First 'MISS CALIFORNIA' by Salbach' blooms, I promised You. Sandra.

Thumbnail by themikesmom Thumbnail by themikesmom Thumbnail by themikesmom Thumbnail by themikesmom
Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)

Lovely! You have a lot of pinks. Do you have Melanie as well?

It will probably be three or four weeks before I see any blooms. :'( But I will take the best pics I can to share.


Concord, NC

Heres 'MELANIE' 1941 by Hill. Just opened for the first time this morning. we were fortunate enough to win this in 2012 from one of Voss Iris Farm in MO online auctions. She also trades lovely iris here at DG under user name 1913cat or atleast did a few years ago when we first joined, I believe we got our Tropical Butterfly from her, and one or two others that are pretty rare. She is a very nice person.

This message was edited May 6, 2014 3:01 PM

Thumbnail by themikesmom Thumbnail by themikesmom Thumbnail by themikesmom Thumbnail by themikesmom Thumbnail by themikesmom
Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)

Melanie looks like the one I have. Except maybe a little more ruffled? When she blooms again, I'll get better pictures. Also she's in the sun this year, so she may look a little different.

I'm going to have looooooooooots of NOIDs this year. Helped a lot of people cleaning out their beds. :) Still waiting for blooms.....

Concord, NC

her standards straightened up and she flattened out. after an hour or two..she had just opened in this pic..but I see what your talking about..but its just because she just opened and standards were all ruffled at first looks..also Melanie has very faint lemon fragrance..Miss California has a more pronounced mix of Lemon and Vanilla Perfume..I bet your noid is Melanie. I know of know other so tall, ancient simple form, with long flat falls, and so deep pink :-)

Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)

Here are the blooms of ??Melanie??

Thumbnail by iowhen Thumbnail by iowhen
Minneola, KS(Zone 6a)

Speaking of pink Iris, The first beautiful one came with my Wabash, I have no idea what kind it is? The second one, fourth picture, tag disappeared in a hail storm, I have it listed somewhere but can not find it.

Thumbnail by mclowdis Thumbnail by mclowdis Thumbnail by mclowdis Thumbnail by mclowdis
Concord, NC

Very Pretty, 'Crispette' by Schreiner, maybe?

Minneola, KS(Zone 6a)

For the fourth picture and going by list of Iris I have its either Pipes of Pan or Indian Chief. The other one, not a clue since it came piggy back on another Iris.

Concord, NC

It's 'Indian Chief' by Ayres

Minneola, KS(Zone 6a)

Got another one sorry, I lost all my plant tags to a hail storm that dropped six inches of hail last year right after I purchased a bunch of iris and I didn't think to record the ones I bought anywhere:( This one is one of my favorites but not a clue of what it is?

Thumbnail by mclowdis
Minneola, KS(Zone 6a)

Thank you themikesmom, Wow, good call above on Crispette, I may just have to purchase one and compare but the description and look sure matches. And thanks for Indian Chief, I didn't remember where I planted it, just glad its one of the ones I had listed that I have.

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