A sandy bubble grew from a bowl while being fired ???

London, Canada

I signed up just to see if any one had any idea what caused this, I'll be looking around some more, but I have no idea what happened.

We fired one of our students bowls over the weekend and when it was brought out of the kiln it looked like it had this sandy bubble coming out of it with the clay from the outside cracking all around it.

My teacher said she had never seen anything like this in the fifteen years shes been teaching art.

we know it couldn't have been a wet center or some foreign product like plaster stuck inside the clay, because that would usually crack or shatter.

I also included a photo of what it looked like when the student cleaned off the sandy bubbles and cracked clay, It was hollow underneath the outside layer of clay.

Also, the brown parts of it felt like a very soft sand. So if you have any idea of what it could have been, we'd really appreciate knowing what happened so we can avoid it happening with more important projects.

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